Bustamite Ohashi Y, Finger L W American Mineralogist 63 (1978) 274-288 The role of octahedral cations in pyroxenoid crystal chemistry. I. Bustamite, wollastonite, and the pectolite-schizolite-serandite series sample BS, from Hijikuzu, Iwate, Japan _database_code_amcsd 0000619 9.864 10.790 7.139 99.53 99.71 83.83 I-1 atom x y z occ Biso Mn1 .0245 .7721 .8257 .87 .67 Ca1 .0245 .7721 .8257 .13 .67 Ca2 .0231 .7783 .3410 .93 .72 Mn2 .0231 .7783 .3410 .07 .72 Mn3 0 .5 .5 .55 Ca4 0 .5 0 .99 .65 Mn4 0 .5 0 .01 .65 Si1 .2226 .9566 .6473 .48 Si2 .2235 .9534 .1978 .50 Si3 .2201 .1757 .9801 .48 Oa1 .1178 .5803 .7757 .77 Oa2 .1139 .5730 .3170 .84 Oa3 .1164 .3135 .4744 .75 Ob1 .1133 .8587 .6491 1.18 Ob2 .1328 .8402 .1010 1.09 Ob3 .1095 .2961 .9849 .72 Oc1 .2105 .9787 .4259 1.46 Oc2 .1687 .0887 .1221 .81 Oc3 .1787 .0966 .7605 .80