Cancrinite Hassan I, Antao S M, Parise J B American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 1117-1124 Cancrinite: Crystal structure, phase transitions, and dehydration behaviour with temperature Locality: Dungannon Township, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Sample: T = 602 C _database_code_amcsd 0004173 12.6631 12.6631 5.1753 90 90 120 P6_3 atom x y z occ Uiso Na1 2/3 1/3 .1050 .0738 Na2 .1277 .2530 .2940 .67 .0738 Ca2 .1277 .2530 .2940 .25 .0738 Al .0724 .4123 .7512 .0126 Si .3270 .4097 .75 .0126 C1 0 0 .590 .380 .074 C2 0 0 .835 .380 .074 O1 .2020 .4097 .6698 .0229 O2 .1065 .5593 .7461 .0229 O3 .0116 .3371 .0215 .0229 O4 .3178 .3590 .0677 .0229 OC1 .0901 .1096 .590 .380 .074 OC2 .0464 .1263 .835 .380 .074 Wat 2/3 1/3 .803 .030 .025