Gadolinite-(Y) Demartin F, Pilati T, Diella V, Gentile P, Gramaccioli C M The Canadian Mineralogist 31 (1993) 127-136 A crystal-chemical investigation of alpine gadolinite Locality: Val Nalps, Switzerland Sample: 6 Note: structure from ICSD _database_code_amcsd 0005288 4.746 7.562 9.903 90 90.48 90 P2_1/c atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) Y .00027 .10773 .33093 .71 .00677 .00668 .00639 -.00085 -.00008 -.00021 Dy .00027 .10773 .33093 .14 .00677 .00668 .00639 -.00085 -.00008 -.00021 Ca .00027 .10773 .33093 .15 .00677 .00668 .00639 -.00085 -.00008 -.00021 Be .4534 .4144 .3362 .67 .005 .006 .005 .001 .000 .000 B .4534 .4144 .3362 .33 .005 .006 .005 .001 .000 .000 Fe 0 0 0 .54 .0076 .0094 .0072 .0007 .0005 -.0002 Si .5205 .2763 .07928 .0061 .0050 .0059 -.0004 .0005 -.0001 O1 .7599 .4117 .0317 .0085 .0080 .0110 .0006 .0006 -.0022 O2 .3250 .2879 .4514 .0108 .0093 .0078 .0010 -.0015 -.0010 O3 .3074 .3459 .1967 .0089 .0118 .0082 -.0011 .0027 .0022 O4 .6848 .1053 .1444 .0113 .0066 .0106 .0003 -.0015 .0031 O5 .7893 .4116 .3322 .0083 .0137 .0095 -.0016 .0005 -.0002