Fluor-dravite Clark C M, Hawthorne F C, Ottolini L The Canadian Mineralogist 49 (2011) 57-62 Fluor-dravite, NaMg3Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)3F, a new mineral species of the tourmaline group from the Crabtree Emerald mine, Mitchell County, North Carolina: Description and crystal structure Locality: the Crabtree Emerald mine, Mitchell County, North Carolina, USA _database_code_amcsd 0018741 15.955 15.955 7.153 90 90 120 R3m atom x y z occ Uiso NaX 0 0 .84080 .88 .0209 CaX 0 0 .84080 .04 .0209 MgY .06312 .93688 .44473 .43 .0088 FeY .06312 .93688 .44473 .29 .0088 AlY .06312 .93688 .44473 .19 .0088 MnY .06312 .93688 .44473 .03 .0088 TiY .06312 .93688 .44473 .01 .0088 LiY .06312 .93688 .44473 .04 .0088 AlZ .26174 .29827 .45757 .91 .0071 MgZ .26174 .29827 .45757 .09 .0071 SiT .19009 .19191 .07041 .0067 B .88998 .11002 .61615 .0082 F1 0 0 .29119 .61 .0197 OH1 0 0 .29119 .39 .0197 OH2 .93841 .06159 .59029 .0122 O3 .13491 .86509 .55913 .0114 O4 .90702 .09298 .00075 .0109 O5 .09271 .90729 -.02049 .0108 O6 .18803 .19746 .29369 .0094 O7 .28527 .28493 -.01074 .0092 O8 .27133 .21031 .62784 .0100