Geversite Furuseth S, Selte K, Kjekshus A Acta Chemica Scandinavica 21 (1967) 527-536 On the solid solubility and structural properties of PdAs2-xSbx, PtP2-xAsx, PtP2-xSbx, PtP2-xBix, PtAs2-xSbx, PtAs2-xBix, PtSb2-xBix, Pdl-mPtmAs2, Pdl-mPtmSb2, Pdl-mAumSb2, and Ptl-mAumSb2 Locality: synthetic _database_code_amcsd 0017685 CELL PARAMETERS: 6.4400 6.4400 6.4400 90.000 90.000 90.000 SPACE GROUP: Pa3 X-RAY WAVELENGTH: 1.541838 Cell Volume: 267.090 Density (g/cm3): 10.906 MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2: 374.0076241 RIR: 11.167 RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739 2-THETA INTENSITY D-SPACING H K L Multiplicity 23.93 31.87 3.7181 1 1 1 8 27.70 53.73 3.2200 2 0 0 6 31.05 61.66 2.8801 2 1 0 12 34.10 47.39 2.6291 2 1 1 24 39.58 40.42 2.2769 2 2 0 12 46.78 100.00 1.9417 3 1 1 24 49.00 14.06 1.8591 2 2 2 8 51.14 13.59 1.7861 3 0 2 12 53.22 11.90 1.7212 3 1 2 24 53.22 11.90 1.7212 3 2 1 24 62.91 6.16 1.4774 3 3 1 24 64.74 8.45 1.4400 4 0 2 12 64.74 8.45 1.4400 4 2 0 12 66.54 11.03 1.4053 4 2 1 24 68.32 5.03 1.3730 3 3 2 24 71.81 11.99 1.3146 4 2 2 24 76.93 19.40 1.2394 5 1 1 24 76.93 6.47 1.2394 3 3 3 8 80.28 2.95 1.1959 5 0 2 12 80.28 5.90 1.1959 4 2 3 24 81.94 2.77 1.1758 5 1 2 24 81.94 2.77 1.1758 5 2 1 24 85.25 16.96 1.1384 4 4 0 12 ================================================================================ XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.