Cs1.5 K0.425 Mo2 O11 P2 Guesdon A, Leclaire A, Borel M, Raveau B European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry 33 (1996) 385-396 Highly ordered distribution of the interpolated univalent cations in monophosphates with the alpha-(K2 Mo2 O3 (P O4)2) structure _cod_database_code 1001726 _database_code_amcsd 0012601 10.159 10.103 10.003 90 99.48 90 P2_1/c atom x y z occ Mo1 .3395 .0772 .1254 Mo2 .0868 .3228 .1394 P1 .4026 .3620 .3213 P2 .1209 .0668 .3414 K1 0 0 0 .85 Cs1 .7522 .1974 .2625 Cs2 .5043 .0262 .5007 .5 O1 .276 -.056 .046 O2 .430 .161 -.025 O3 .253 .031 .296 O4 .513 -.024 .213 O5 .194 .192 .089 O6 .444 .234 .253 O7 -.057 .267 .051 O8 -.010 .476 .226 O9 .139 .453 0 O10 .074 .211 .311 O11 .256 .400 .266