Cs0.74 K1.26 Mo2 O11 P2 Guesdon A, Leclaire A, Borel M, Raveau B European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry 33 (1996) 385-396 Highly ordered distribution of the interpolated univalent cations in monophosphates with the alpha-(K2 Mo2 O3 (P O4)2) structure _cod_database_code 1001728 _database_code_amcsd 0012603 10.080 10.146 9.830 90 100.25 90 P2_1/c atom x y z occ Mo1 .3437 .0748 .1329 Mo2 .0847 .3174 .1405 P1 .4028 .3615 .3235 P2 .1259 .0620 .3497 K1 .7508 .1930 .2596 .26 Cs1 .7508 .1930 .2596 .74 K2 0 0 0 K3 .5006 .0395 .4993 .5 O1 .2789 -.063 .050 O2 .4396 .1491 -.017 O3 .2640 .0300 .313 O4 .5179 -.0223 .2259 O5 .1984 .190 .0897 O6 .4436 .2305 .2624 O7 -.0622 .262 .049 O8 -.0194 .4658 .226 O9 .1359 .4552 .007 O10 .0732 .2024 .3095 O11 .254 .3946 .277