Fe2 O8 Pb0.485 Sr3 Tl0.485 Daniel P, Barbey L, Nguyen N, Ducouret A, Groult D, Raveau B Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 55 (1994) 795-802 New mixed-valent iron oxides with the 1212-type structure: Tl1-xPbxSr3Fe2O8 _cod_database_code 1001673 _database_code_amcsd 0013243 3.8180 3.8180 12.834 90 90 90 P4/mmm atom x y z occ Tl1 .064 0 0 .1213 Pb1 .064 0 0 .1213 Sr1 .5 .5 .5 Sr2 .5 .5 .1989 Fe1 0 0 .3516 O1 .389 .5 0 .25 O2 0 0 .1679 O3 0 0 .5 O4 0 .5 .3342