LiMnFeF6 Courbion G, Jacoboni C, de Pape R Journal of Solid State Chemistry 45 (1982) 127-134 The Dimorphism of LiMnFeF6: A New Kind of Cationic Order in the Structural Type Na2SiF6 _cod_database_code 1000185 _database_code_amcsd 0013496 8.723 8.723 4.745 90 90 120 P321 atom x y z Fe1 0 0 0 Fe2 1/3 2/3 .493 Mn1 .360 0 0 Li1 .69 0 .5 F1 .537 .418 .273 F2 .223 .458 .280 F3 .227 .099 .238