As2.79 Te5.1 Zr3.88 Mosset A, Jeannin Y Journal of the Less-Common Metals 26 (1972) 285-292 Sur un Compose Ternaire Orthorhombique Forme Entre le Zirconium, L'arsenic et le Tellure _cod_database_code 1008118 _database_code_amcsd 0016060 5.64 13.37 3.78 90 90 90 Immm atom x y z occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3) Te1 0 .2931 .5 .0054 .0048 .0111 0 0 0 Zr1 0 .1242 0 .97 .0068 .0023 .0101 0 0 0 As1 .2528 .5 0 .7 .0262 .0039 .0103 0 0 0 Te2 .2528 .5 0 .28 .0262 .0039 .0103 0 0 0