B Ce2 Fe14 Dalmas de Reotier P, Fruchart D, Pontonnier L, Vaillant F, Wolfers P, Yaouanc A, Coey J, Fruchart R, L'Heritier P Journal of the Less-Common Metals 129 (1987) 133-144 Structural and magnetic properties of RE2 Fe14 B H(D)x; RE= Y, Ce, Er _cod_database_code 1008994 _database_code_amcsd 0016856 8.7440 8.744 12.072 90 90 90 P4_2/mnm atom x y z Ce1 .148 .148 0 Ce2 .713 .287 0 Fe1 0 .5 0 Fe2 0 0 .38 Fe3 .399 .399 .304 Fe4 .185 .185 .253 Fe5 .727 .063 .374 Fe6 .463 .135 .316 B1 .372 .372 0