Perovskite (La, Cu, Ti) Palacin M, Bassas J, Rodriguez-Carvajal J, Fuertes A, Casan-Pastor N, Gomez-Romero P Materials Research Bulletin 29 (1994) 973-980 Studies of the formation and reduction of a mixed three-dimensional perovskite of copper and titanium _cod_database_code 1006117 _database_code_amcsd 0014369 CELL PARAMETERS: 5.5750 7.8660 5.5790 90.000 90.000 90.000 SPACE GROUP: Pnma X-RAY WAVELENGTH: 1.541838 Cell Volume: 244.656 Density (g/cm3): 6.577 MAX. ABS. INTENSITY / VOLUME**2: 169.6288900 RIR: 8.398 RIR based on corundum from Acta Crystallographica A38 (1982) 733-739 2-THETA INTENSITY D-SPACING H K L Multiplicity 22.55 13.54 3.9435 1 0 1 4 22.61 7.29 3.9330 0 2 0 2 25.26 1.21 3.5253 1 1 1 8 32.09 24.47 2.7895 0 0 2 2 32.11 24.51 2.7875 2 0 0 2 32.14 100.00 2.7848 1 2 1 8 34.13 1.01 2.6274 2 1 0 4 39.61 10.98 2.2753 0 2 2 4 39.63 11.54 2.2742 2 2 0 4 46.03 28.12 1.9718 2 0 2 4 46.16 13.82 1.9665 0 4 0 2 51.83 1.53 1.7641 1 0 3 4 51.87 2.32 1.7627 2 2 2 8 51.96 2.53 1.7598 1 4 1 8 53.24 1.44 1.7204 3 1 1 8 57.23 18.16 1.6096 1 2 3 8 57.26 15.41 1.6088 3 2 1 8 57.32 8.86 1.6073 0 4 2 4 57.34 8.87 1.6069 2 4 0 4 67.11 3.18 1.3947 0 0 4 2 67.16 3.32 1.3937 4 0 0 2 67.24 12.88 1.3924 2 4 2 8 71.90 1.01 1.3132 1 4 3 8 76.35 2.68 1.2473 2 0 4 4 76.39 2.55 1.2468 4 0 2 4 76.39 5.59 1.2467 3 2 3 8 76.59 5.84 1.2441 1 6 1 8 80.84 1.08 1.1890 2 2 4 8 80.88 1.12 1.1885 4 2 2 8 85.32 2.60 1.1377 0 4 4 4 85.37 2.64 1.1371 4 4 0 4 ================================================================================ XPOW Copyright 1993 Bob Downs, Ranjini Swaminathan and Kurt Bartelmehs For reference, see Downs et al. (1993) American Mineralogist 78, 1104-1107.