American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

6 matching records for this search.

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Majzlan J, Dachs E, Benisek A, Plasil J, Sejkora J
European Journal of Mineralogy 30 (2018) 259-275
Thermodynamics, crystal chemistry and structural complexity of the
Fe(SO4)(OH)(H2O)x phases: Fe(SO4)(OH), metahohmannite, butlerite,
parabutlerite, amarantite, hohmannite, and fibroferrite
Locality:  Mina Quetana, Atacama desert, Chile
_database_code_amcsd 0021026
6.6559 8.9161 11.6069 97.221 95.655 90.412 P-1
atom      x      y      z  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fel  .14403 .91270 .93600 .0132  .0117  .0165  .0115  .0008  .0015  .0016
Fe2  .22511 .92593 .23675 .0144  .0130  .0194  .0113  .0009  .0011  .0038
S1   .07893 .83257 .65069 .0158  .0144  .0217  .0112  .0011  .0013  .0012
S2   .44595 .21124 .93214 .0137  .0115  .0163  .0141  .0009  .0017  .0043
O1    .0350  .0253  .3418 .0211  .0214   .024  .0198  .0063  .0067  .0075
O2    .0485  .2928  .4062 .0281   .034   .026  .0210 -.0068 -.0075 -.0025
O3    .1462  .8023  .7722 .0166  .0206  .0181  .0108  .0017  .0016  .0001
O4    .2589  .8528  .5923 .0261  .0170   .048  .0163  .0074  .0073  .0090
O5    .4328  .8314  .9619 .0166  .0138  .0222  .0145  .0037  .0010  .0056
O6    .4175  .7816  .1604 .0157  .0154  .0193  .0142  .0004  .0049  .0061
O7    .3528  .3552  .9589 .0210  .0238  .0182  .0228  .0079  .0081  .0052
O8    .2915  .0919  .8899 .0194  .0167  .0196  .0227 -.0063 -.0013  .0083
O9    .1115  .9863  .0956 .0146  .0128  .0188  .0125 -.0016  .0021  .0025
O10   .3981  .5349  .7773 .0306   .039   .026   .027  .0032  .0012  .0049
O11   .3928  .8836  .3862 .0264  .0200   .046  .0152  .0095  .0030  .0093
O12   .0478  .7379  .2323 .0246  .0170   .024   .036  .0009  .0090  .0087
O13   .2625  .2812  .6259 .0295   .028   .034  .0242  .0016 -.0042  .0025
O14   .0283  .7042  .9598 .0222  .0239   .024  .0200 -.0040  .0076  .0029
O15   .1860  .4559  .2330 .0324   .025   .030   .044  .0002  .0046  .0111
O16   .4073  .1145  .2519 .0198  .0148   .026  .0184 -.0043 -.0006  .0058
H1     .349   .895   .460 .0317
H2     .513   .833   .387 .0317
H3     .111   .650   .248 .0295
H4    -.051   .746   .283 .0295
H5     .319   .619   .782 .0367
H6     .388     .5   .848 .0367
H7     .193   .306   .559 .0354
H8     .300   .375   .667 .0354
H11    .326   .464   .234 .0388
H12    .151   .402   .291 .0388
H13    .447   .143   .186 .0237
H14    .524   .109   .300 .0237
H9    -.060   .659   .899 .0266
H10   -.043   .691   .021 .0266
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Susse P
Download zk/vol127/ZK127_261.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 127 (1968) 261-275
The crystal structure of amarantite, Fe2(SO4)2O*7H2O
Locality: Quetena, Chile
_database_code_amcsd 0010666
8.976 11.678 6.698 95.65 90.36 97.20 P-1
atom     x     y     z Biso
Fel  .9128 .9361 .1442  1.9
Fe2  .9259 .2369 .2250  2.0
S1   .8322 .6508 .0794   .4
S2   .2113 .9325 .4461   .4
O1   .0250 .3415 .0353  1.7
O2   .2930 .4066 .0473  1.6
O3   .8038 .7719 .1465  1.0
O4   .8523 .5931 .2590  1.7
O5   .8321 .9630 .4341   .7
O6   .7809 .1609 .4182  1.3
O7   .3542 .9589 .3537  1.5
O8   .0919 .8889 .2922   .9
O9   .9863 .0955 .1119   .7
O10  .5355 .7786 .3971  1.9
O11  .8831 .3872 .3945  1.7
O12  .7375 .2333 .0482  1.8
O13  .2815 .6249 .2616  1.9
O14  .7039 .9606 .0272  1.5
O15  .4551 .2339 .1879  2.1
O16  .1150 .2519 .4085  1.1
H1     .88   .46   .32
H2     .82   .38   .52
H3     .64   .21   .12
H4     .73   .31   .03
H5     .62   .78   .30
H6     .51   .86   .39
H7     .29   .54   .20
H8     .38   .65   .34
H9     .35   .11   .05
H10    .32   .97   .05
H11    .46   .23   .32
H12    .42   .29   .16
H13    .13   .18   .44
H14    .12   .30   .52
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Mereiter K
ICSD Communications 2018 (2018)
Experimental crystal structure determination
Note: T = 296 K
Locality:  Tierra Amarilla, Chile
_database_code_amcsd 0020886
6.6548 8.9204 11.6053 97.260 95.634 90.383 P-1
atom       x      y      z   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe1   .35597 .58727 .56398 .01154 .01036 .01459 .00979  .00104  .00144 .00169
Fe2   .72506 .42607 .73683 .01282 .01147 .01717 .01038  .00138  .00115 .00379
S1    .42105 .66757 .84931 .01422 .01310 .01953 .00980  .00108  .00132 .00075
O1    .35379 .69757 .72728 .01679  .0203  .0199  .0099  .00291  .00091 .00138
O2    .53502 .52503 .84220 .02075  .0228  .0244  .0172   .0083   .0073  .0063
O3    .24076 .64750 .90754 .02586  .0172  .0466  .0158   .0054  .00696  .0073
O4    .54863 .79299 .90630 .02887  .0345  .0269  .0217  -.0078  -.0080 -.0019
S2   -.05401 .71110 .43223 .01180 .00985 .01365 .01271  .00132  .00196 .00411
O5    .06671 .66819 .53781 .01654  .0128  .0245  .0130  .00349  .00060 .00533
O6    .08254 .71920 .33970 .01644  .0152  .0202  .0158  .00267  .00619 .00581
O7   -.14746 .85506 .45873 .02102  .0222  .0174  .0253   .0074   .0078  .0051
O8   -.20845 .59209 .38986 .01910  .0160  .0206  .0212 -.00542 -.00201  .0077
O9    .61154 .48665 .59572 .01298 .01176  .0179 .00947  .00243  .00065 .00267
O1W   .47218 .79573 .53970 .02133  .0241  .0196  .0216  -.0030   .0080  .0033
H1A   .53640 .83940 .59601   .044
H1B   .53094 .80467 .48396   .051
O2W   .90808 .61492 .75163 .02001  .0172  .0256  .0172  -.0047  .00004  .0043
H2A   .93807 .64121 .69207   .050
H2B   .00579 .62473 .79812   .043
O3W   .89325 .38407 .88597 .02587  .0211  .0457  .0133   .0114  .00328  .0114
H3A   .84641 .37605 .94585   .046
H3B   .99286 .33447 .88403   .034
O4W   .54793 .23778 .73278 .02367  .0185  .0197  .0354   .0003   .0091  .0088
H4A   .59196 .15472 .73409   .036
H4B   .45812 .24676 .77403   .044
O5W   .68606 .95588 .73254 .03163  .0282  .0260  .0417  -.0017   .0025  .0092
H5A   .80544 .95703 .72878   .049
H5B   .66477 .91998 .79004   .054
O6W   .10272 .96573 .72227 .02950  .0376  .0231  .0288   .0049   .0043  .0060
H6A   .16833 .89078 .72013   .059
H6B   .10919 .00028 .66237   .060
O7W   .23806 .21904 .87401 .02877  .0273  .0331  .0247   .0002  -.0026  .0034
H7B   .28420 .21022 .93905   .060
H7A   .20176 .13714 .84225   .054
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Mereiter K
ICSD Communications 2018 (2018)
Experimental crystal structure determination
Note: T = 100 K
Locality:  Tierra Amarilla, Chile
_database_code_amcsd 0020885
6.6278 8.8605 11.5790 97.564 95.709 90.355 P-1
atom       x      y      z   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe1   .35586 .58823 .56394 .00506 .00500 .00535 .00484  .00026  .00061 .00065
Fe2   .72601 .42698 .73715 .00544 .00533 .00609 .00503  .00035  .00050 .00124
S1    .42256 .67187 .85013 .00601 .00599 .00695 .00498  .00024  .00062 .00034
O1    .35448 .70163 .72753 .00756  .0097  .0083  .0046  .00104  .00024 .00072
O2    .53395 .52634 .84282 .00873  .0100  .0086  .0082  .00309  .00282 .00199
O3    .24095 .65498 .90930 .01041  .0075  .0166  .0079   .0016  .00294  .0028
O4    .55386 .79765 .90699 .01126  .0134  .0096  .0094  -.0032  -.0023 -.0008
S2   -.05575 .71187 .43207 .00529 .00498 .00522 .00590  .00031  .00082 .00141
O5    .06463 .66801 .53826 .00743  .0064  .0098  .0063  .00131  .00002 .00250
O6    .08264 .72074 .34002 .00749  .0073  .0083  .0076  .00069  .00296 .00199
O7   -.15008 .85710 .45951 .00896  .0100  .0067  .0108  .00298  .00309  .0017
O8   -.21049 .59144 .38790 .00823  .0075  .0078  .0094 -.00256 -.00094 .00271
O9    .61304 .48829 .59596 .00655  .0065  .0079  .0053  .00097  .00029 .00117
O1W   .47052 .79781 .53909 .00935  .0109  .0084  .0092 -.00154  .00311  .0012
H1A   .53892 .83803 .59574   .028
H1B   .53006 .80414 .48307   .028
O2W   .90906 .61746 .75213 .00877  .0083  .0105  .0075 -.00222 -.00007  .0019
H2A   .93580 .64089 .69092   .042
H2B   .00973 .62781 .79687   .028
O3W   .89662 .38697 .88658 .01055  .0092  .0163  .0070   .0039  .00153  .0042
H3A   .84708 .37561 .94516   .034
H3B   .99775 .33824 .88482   .025
O4W   .54804 .23774 .73279 .01009  .0087  .0079  .0147  .00024   .0037  .0031
H4A   .59428 .15464 .73345   .031
H4B   .45368 .24344 .77109   .027
O5W   .68862 .95517 .73111 .01241  .0111  .0103  .0163  -.0007   .0010  .0037
H5A   .80904 .95389 .72969   .030
H5B   .66150 .91509 .78577   .040
O6W   .10335 .96652 .72094 .01150  .0141  .0089  .0118   .0018   .0017  .0024
H6A   .17000 .89141 .71842   .025
H6B   .11004 .00191 .66131   .037
O7W   .23899 .21972 .87282 .01131  .0116  .0117  .0102  -.0002  -.0009  .0010
H7B   .29138 .20604 .93577   .040
H7A   .20096 .13892 .83804   .028
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Susse P
Naturwissenschaften 54 (1967) 642-643
Crystal structure of amarantite
Locality: Quetena, Chile
_database_code_amcsd 0021025
8.976 11.678 6.698 95.65 90.36 97.2 P-1
atom     x    y    z Biso
Fe1    .91 .935  .14    1
Fe2   .925 .235 .225    1
S1    .835  .65  .08    1
S2     .21  .93 .445    1
O1    .015 .335 .045    1
O2    .305 .405 .045    1
O3    .805  .77 .155    1
O4    .845  .58 .265    1
O5     .83 .965 .425    1
O6    .775 .165 .415    1
O7     .36  .96  .34    1
O8    .085   .9  .29    1
O9     .98 .095 .115    1
Wat10 .535  .78 .385    1
Wat11 .885 .385  .38    1
Wat12 .735 .235  .05    1
Wat13  .29  .63  .25    1
Wat14  .71  .96 .025    1
Wat15  .45 .235  .18    1
Wat16  .11 .245 .405    1
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Giacovazzo C, Menchetti S
Rendiconti della Societa Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia 25 (1969) 399-406
Sulla struttura della amarantite
Locality: not given
_database_code_amcsd 0021027
8.935 11.631 6.661 95.58 90.28 97.28 P-1
atom      x     y     z Biso
Fe1   .9126 .9361 .1435  1.5
Fe2   .9261 .2369 .2257  1.5
S1    .8328 .6506 .0789  1.2
S2    .2115 .9323 .4465  1.0
O1    .0263 .3428 .0354  2.0
O2    .2936 .4062 .0493  2.4
O3    .8021 .7718 .1477  1.6
O4    .8526 .5930 .2572  1.8
O5    .8306 .9631 .4327  1.6
O6    .7807 .1598 .4197  1.6
O7    .3547 .9588 .3557  1.9
O8    .0927 .8888 .2940  1.8
O9    .9856 .0944 .1101  1.3
Wat10 .5371 .7777 .4000  2.9
Wat11 .8852 .3860 .3906  2.3
Wat12 .7387 .2338 .0481  2.2
Wat13 .2816 .6266 .2640  2.6
Wat14 .7041 .9603 .0265  2.0
Wat15 .4561 .2335 .1856  2.8
Wat16 .1137 .2508 .4085  1.9
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