American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

2 matching records for this search.

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Krezhov K, Somogyvari Z, Meszaros G, Svab E, Nedkov I, Bouree F
Applied Physics A74 (2002) S1086-S1088
Neutron powder diffraction study of (Co,Ti)-substituted fine-particle
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0012030
5.8846 5.8846 23.175 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc
atom     x     y     z  occ Biso
Ba     2/3   1/3   .25       .73
FeM1     0     0     0       .66
FeM2     0     0 .2596   .5  .41
FeM3   1/3   2/3 .0272 .893  .25
CoM3   1/3   2/3 .0272 .107  .25
FeM4   1/3   2/3 .1895 .893  .60
TiM4   1/3   2/3 .1895 .107  .60
FeM5 .1682 .3364 .8927 .786  .48
CoM5 .1682 .3364 .8927 .107  .48
TiM5 .1682 .3364 .8927 .107  .48
O1       0     0 .1514       .47
O2     1/3   2/3 .9434       .54
O3   .1836 .3672   .25       .44
O4   .1561 .3122 .0527       .50
O5   .5002 .0004 .1502       .47
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Lengauer C L, Tillmanns E, Hentschel G
Mineralogy and Petrology 71 (2001) 1-19
Batiferrite, Ba[Ti2Fe10]O19, a new ferrimagnetic magnetoplumbite-type mineral
from the Quaternary volcanic rocks of the western Eifel area, Germany
Note: z-coordinate of A-site altered because it was obviously a typo
Locality: Quaternary volcanic rocks of the western Eifel area, Germany
_database_code_amcsd 0014645
5.909 5.909 23.369 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc
atom     x     y       z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
BaA    1/3   2/3     .75  .84 .0093  .0099  .0099  .0083 .00495      0      0
NaA    1/3   2/3     .75  .06 .0093  .0099  .0099  .0083 .00495      0      0
KA     1/3   2/3     .75  .05 .0093  .0099  .0099  .0083 .00495      0      0
SrA    1/3   2/3     .75  .05 .0093  .0099  .0099  .0083 .00495      0      0
Fe1      0     0       0 .865 .0057  .0065  .0065   .004 .00285      0      0
Mg1      0     0       0 .135 .0057  .0065  .0065   .004 .00285      0      0
Fe2      0     0   .2597 .485  .009  .0044  .0044   .018 .00220      0      0
Mg2      0     0   .2597 .015  .009  .0044  .0044   .018 .00220      0      0
Fe3    1/3   2/3  .02618      .0062  .0061  .0061  .0064 .00305      0      0
Ti4    1/3   2/3  .18971 .558 .0062  .0063  .0063  .0059 .00315      0      0
Fe4    1/3   2/3  .18971  .37 .0062  .0063  .0063  .0059 .00315      0      0
Mg4    1/3   2/3  .18971  .07 .0062  .0063  .0063  .0059 .00315      0      0
Fe5  .1678 .3356 -.10726 .798 .0076  .0071  .0085  .0077 .00425  .0003  .0006
Ti5  .1678 .3356 -.10726 .202 .0076  .0071  .0085  .0077 .00425  .0003  .0006
O1       0     0   .1529       .013   .014   .014   .009 .00700      0      0
O2     1/3   2/3  -.0566       .011   .011   .011   .010 .00550      0      0
O3   .1836 .3672     .25       .014   .015   .020   .009 .01000      0      0
O4   .1532 .3064   .0530       .012   .013   .012   .010 .00600  .0005   .001
O5   .5003 .0006   .1509       .014   .014   .013   .015 .00650  .0005   .001
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