Bellbergite |
Ruedinger B, Tillmanns E, Hentschel G |
Mineralogy and Petrology 48 (1993) 147-152 |
Bellbergite - a new mineral with the zeolite structure type EAB |
_database_code_amcsd 0014631 |
13.244 13.244 15.988 90 90 120 P6_3/mmc |
atom x y z occ Biso |
K .105 .21 .25 1/3 5.0 |
Sr 1/3 2/3 .9119 .5 2.4 |
Ca1 0 0 0 .5 |
Ca2 1/3 2/3 .130 6.9 |
Al1 .4215 .3313 .1538 .5 1.09 |
Si1 .4215 .3313 .1538 .5 1.09 |
Al2 .2476 0 0 .5 .36 |
Si2 .2476 0 0 .5 .36 |
O1 .1127 .2254 .003 .5 |
O2 .6818 .000 .9158 1.2 |
O3 .958 .327 .25 2.1 |
O4 .2295 .459 .864 1.6 |
O5 .4590 .918 .862 1.8 |
Wat1 1/3 2/3 .75 5.0 |
Wat2 .413 .826 .25 3.5 |
Wat3 .587 .174 .965 .5 3.0 |
Wat4 .218 .436 .159 3.6 |
Wat5 0 0 .643 1.4 |
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