American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Bindi L, Nestola F, Guastoni A, Zorzi F, Peruzzo L, Raber T
The Canadian Mineralogist 50 (2012) 111-118
Te-rich canfieldite, Ag8Sn(S,Te)6, from Lengenbach Quarry, Binntal,
Canton Valais, Switzerland: Occurrence, description and crystal structure
Locality: Lengenbach Quarry, Binntal, Canton Valais, Switzerland
_database_code_amcsd 0019044
11.0003 11.0003 11.0003 90 90 90 F-43m
atom      x      y      z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ag1   .2217      0      0 .423 .0458  .0460  .0457  .0457      0      0 -.0001
Ag2  .42938 .42938 .76192 .455 .0465  .0465  .0465  .0465      0  .0001  .0001
Sn      .25    .25    .25      .0362  .0362  .0362  .0362      0      0      0
SX1  .37500 .37500 .37500 .580 .0502  .0502  .0502  .0502  .0002  .0002  .0002
TeX1 .37500 .37500 .37500 .420 .0502  .0502  .0502  .0502  .0002  .0002  .0002
SX2       0      0      0 .782  .049   .049   .049   .049      0      0      0
TeX2      0      0      0 .218  .049   .049   .049   .049      0      0      0
SX3     .75    .75    .75 .795  .049   .049   .049   .049      0      0      0
TeX3    .75    .75    .75 .205  .049   .049   .049   .049      0      0      0
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