American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

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Ito T, Nowacki W
Download zk/vol139/ZK139_161.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 139 (1974) 161-185
The crystal structure of jordanite, Pb28As12S46
Locality: Binnatal, Switzerland
_database_code_amcsd 0010762
8.918 31.899 8.462 90 117.79 90 P2_1/m
atom     x      y      z occ Biso U(1,1) U(2,2)  U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Pb1  .4469 .05466  .3504     1.65  .0203  .0191   .0215   .0032  .0082  .0012
Pb2  .4392 .05194  .8422  .5 2.01  .0129  .0469   .0153  -.0070  .0054 -.0111
As2  .4392 .05194  .8422  .5 2.01  .0129  .0469   .0153  -.0070  .0054 -.0111
Pb3  .9040 .04119  .3167     1.65  .0143  .0232   .0206   .0020  .0043  .0007
As4  .9194 .05256  .8299      .85  .0068  .0093   .0141  -.0004  .0030 -.0028
Pb5  .2648 .14226 -.0028     2.10  .0197  .0361   .0219   .0074  .0079  .0063
As6  .2758 .14284  .5082     1.54  .0158   .018    .019   .0024  .0039  .0033
Pb7  .7904 .15071  .0176     1.54  .0192  .0191   .0190   .0003  .0080  .0002
Pb8  .7925 .15021  .5149     1.38  .0180  .0165   .0162  -.0001  .0065 -.0001
Pb9  .1222    .25  .1714     1.88  .0225  .0258   .0208       0  .0080      0
Pb10 .1215    .25  .6896     1.83  .0233  .0237   .0232       0  .0114      0
As11 .6158  .2265  .1766  .5 1.25   .015   .007    .022    .001   .005   .000
Pb12 .5504    .25  .6395 .88 2.55  .0404   .016   .0388       0  .0172      0
S1   .3095  .0031  .0123     1.34   .003   .022    .018    .001  -.002  -.011
S2   .3067  .0051  .5504     1.22   .010   .011    .029    .002   .012   .007
S3   .0460  .0862  .1005      .89   .007   .012    .009   -.004  -.002  -.001
S4   .0511  .0853  .6864      .88   .009   .011    .018    .001   .009   .001
S5   .6520  .0969  .2028     1.04   .010   .016    .008   -.007  -.001  -.001
S6   .6733  .0910  .7073      .87   .009   .009    .016    .002   .006   .002
S7   .4061  .1767  .3744     1.71   .007   .037    .022    .005   .008   .001
S8   .4021  .1774  .7699     1.38   .021   .017    .011    .005   .005   .005
S9   .0307  .1791  .3838      .86   .002   .016    .013    .000   .002   .005
S10  .9940  .1935  .8688      .92   .016   .008    .015   -.001   .011  -.004
S11  .3783  .2617   .055  .5  .79   .006   .006    .015   -.004   .002   .002
S12  .7520    .25   .032     1.79   .007   .038    .023       0   .007      0
S13  .7521    .25   .455     1.56   .013   .017    .026       0   .006      0
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Biagioni C, Dini A, Orlandi P, Moelo Y, Pasero M, Zaccarini F
Minerals 6 (2016) doi:10.3390
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XX. Members of the jordanite-geocronite
series from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: Occurrence and crystal structures
Note: Sb-bearing jordanite
Locality: Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci, Pietrasanta, Tuscany, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0020593
8.9338 31.891 8.4720 90 117.943 90 P2_1/m
atom      x      y       z occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3)  U(2,3)
Pb1  .44561 .05462  .35038     .01942 .01994 .01768 .02124  .00158 .01016  .00089
Pb2   .4370 .05521   .8381  .5 .01722 .01742  .0162  .0199  -.0002 .01029  -.0012
Sb2   .4425 .04516   .8488  .5 .01722 .01742  .0162  .0199  -.0002 .01029  -.0012
Pb3  .90402 .04225  .32112     .02051 .01706 .02084 .02264  .00203 .00847  .00075
Sb4  .92012 .04951  .83273 .61 .01598  .0153  .0167  .0176  .00048 .00907 -.00030
As4  .92012 .04951  .83273 .39 .01598  .0153  .0167  .0176  .00048 .00907 -.00030
Pb5  .26298 .14313 -.00032     .02687 .02334 .03467 .02428  .00852 .01255  .00555
As6  .27337 .14343  .50811     .01636  .0159  .0134  .0204   .0026  .0090   .0007
Pb7  .78996 .15103  .01926     .01914 .02086 .01800 .02147  .00008 .01233 -.00022
Pb8  .79159 .15065  .51593     .01847 .02072 .01679 .01946 -.00109 .01070 -.00034
Pb9  .12151    .25  .17416     .02268 .02420 .02263 .02144    .000 .01087    .000
Pb10 .12159    .25  .69021     .02262 .02434 .02204 .02593    .000 .01548    .000
As11 .61526 .22585  .17856  .5  .0146  .0124  .0085  .0224  -.0005  .0077  -.0004
Pb12 .55140    .25  .64371     .03685  .0419  .0229  .0471    .000  .0220    .000
S1   .30664 .00315   .0140      .0172  .0122  .0181  .0214   .0008  .0081  -.0038
S2   .30616 .00468   .5466      .0176  .0159  .0142  .0249   .0007  .0115   .0008
S3   .05013 .08685   .1124      .0162  .0154  .0159  .0191   .0007  .0095   .0015
S4   .05419 .08617   .6834      .0168  .0157  .0176  .0193   .0016  .0100  -.0005
S5   .65118 .09760   .2034      .0160  .0158  .0156  .0185  -.0017  .0097  -.0011
S6   .66795 .09141  .70570      .0151  .0141  .0151  .0168  -.0016  .0078  -.0011
S7   .40463 .17750   .3751      .0233  .0163  .0293  .0284   .0014  .0140   .0015
S8   .40124 .17828   .7693      .0219  .0161  .0254  .0218   .0005  .0070  -.0007
S9   .02861 .18000  .38482      .0155  .0122  .0170  .0182   .0010  .0077   .0004
S10  .99244 .19304   .8694      .0164  .0204  .0123  .0192  -.0044  .0115  -.0020
S11   .3761 .26193   .0589  .5  .0150  .0102  .0198  .0157   .0042  .0065   .0016
S12     .75    .25   .0344      .0236  .0117  .0287  .0314    .000  .0109    .000
S13   .7497    .25   .4547      .0242  .0121  .0311  .0245    .000  .0045    .000
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Biagioni C, Dini A, Orlandi P, Moelo Y, Pasero M, Zaccarini F
Minerals 6 (2016) doi:10.3390
Lead-antimony sulfosalts from Tuscany (Italy). XX. Members of the jordanite-geocronite
series from the Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci: Occurrence and crystal structures
Note: Sb-rich jordanite
Locality: Pollone mine, Valdicastello Carducci, Pietrasanta, Tuscany, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0020594
8.9554 31.9228 8.4937 90 117.981 90 P2_1/m
atom      x      y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Pb1  .44554 .05466 .35035      .01831  .0170  .0194  .0188  .0016  .0086  .0008
Pb2   .4363 .05516  .8376   .5  .0162  .0147  .0183  .0176 -.0003  .0094 -.0012
Sb2   .4429 .04539  .8488   .5  .0162  .0147  .0183  .0176 -.0003  .0094 -.0012
Pb3  .90383 .04265 .32253      .01895  .0146  .0215  .0201  .0022  .0076  .0005
Sb4  .92046 .04881 .83364 .839  .0133  .0120  .0142  .0158 -.0007  .0082 -.0010
As4  .92046 .04881 .83364 .161  .0133  .0120  .0142  .0158 -.0007  .0082 -.0010
Pb5  .26238 .14343 .00029      .02525  .0204  .0352  .0216  .0085  .0110  .0054
As6   .2731 .14349  .5087  .94  .0156  .0135  .0163  .0184  .0022  .0086  .0009
Sb6   .2731 .14349  .5087  .06  .0156  .0135  .0163  .0184  .0022  .0086  .0009
Pb7  .78992 .15103 .01984      .01812  .0188  .0196  .0188  .0003  .0112 -.0002
Pb8  .79132 .15072 .51607      .01749  .0183  .0183  .0174 -.0010  .0097 -.0007
Pb9  .12014    .25 .17379       .0214  .0212  .0248  .0187   .000  .0098   .000
Pb10 .12050    .25 .69057       .0212  .0216  .0235  .0237   .000  .0149   .000
As11  .6143 .22587  .1788   .5  .0136  .0103  .0088  .0199 -.0003  .0056 -.0010
Pb12 .55032    .25 .64347       .0326  .0341  .0219  .0414   .000  .0175   .000
S1    .3068 .00310  .0137       .0161  .0107  .0189  .0192  .0010  .0075 -.0032
S2    .3066 .00470  .5465       .0166  .0137  .0169  .0215  .0019  .0101  .0018
S3    .0513 .08729  .1158       .0139  .0125  .0162  .0144 -.0004  .0075  .0001
S4    .0550 .08654  .6817       .0146  .0122  .0173  .0160  .0015  .0081 -.0008
S5    .6506 .09790  .2031       .0157  .0160  .0157  .0176 -.0014  .0097 -.0006
S6    .6651 .09175  .7040       .0134  .0114  .0138  .0160  .0001  .0072 -.0007
S7    .4037 .17803  .3750       .0204  .0136   .026   .023 -.0005  .0107 -.0014
S8    .4005 .17848  .7699       .0190  .0126   .025  .0187  .0002  .0068 -.0022
S9    .0275 .18020  .3848       .0140  .0072  .0197  .0170 -.0001  .0072 -.0005
S10   .9904 .19309  .8695       .0150  .0171  .0134  .0175 -.0042  .0107 -.0022
S11   .3738  .2617  .0591   .5  .0113   .010   .019   .010   .007   .010   .004
S12   .7502    .25  .0353       .0200   .008   .030   .022   .000   .007   .000
S13   .7487    .25  .4559       .0222   .007   .032   .024   .000   .004   .000
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