American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

16 matching records for this search.

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Fridriksson T, Bish D L, Bird D K
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American Mineralogist 88 (2003) 277-287
Hydrogen-bonded water in laumontite I: X-ray powder diffraction
study of water site occupancy and structural changes in laumontite
during room-temperature isothermal hydration/dehydration
Sample: P = 0.11 mbar PH2O
_database_code_amcsd 0002978
14.70542 13.07118 7.45156 90 112.121 90 C2/m
atom      x      y      z  occ   Uiso
Si1  .23740 .38250 .15688      .00108
Si2  .07813 .38454 .31593      .00125
Al   .13040 .30946 .72981       .0004
O1   .25780    .50  .2346       .0038
O2   .21509 .37643  .9277       .0038
O3   .14697 .38502  .5461       .0038
O4   .14338 .34208  .1982       .0038
O5   .33276 .31728  .2794       .0038
O6   .04374    .50  .2497       .0038
O7   .01177 .30891  .7235       .0038
Ca   .27328    .50 .75034       .0069
Wat1   .025    .17    .00 .030  .0192
Wat2 .41694 .47696  .0589  .50  .0192
Wat5    .50  .4378    .50 .066  .0317
Wat8 .11752 .12007  .3205       .0317
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Fridriksson T, Bish D L, Bird D K
Download am/vol88/AM88_277.pdf
American Mineralogist 88 (2003) 277-287
Hydrogen-bonded water in laumontite I: X-ray powder diffraction
study of water site occupancy and structural changes in laumontite
during room-temperature isothermal hydration/dehydration
Sample: P = 16.4 mbar PH2O
_database_code_amcsd 0002979
14.74716 13.06601 7.55735 90 112.0399 90 C2/m
atom      x      y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Si1  .23817 .38214 .15752       .0047
Si2  .08328 .38332 .32681       .0038
Al   .12850 .31001 .73388       .0046
O1   .26062    .50  .2272       .0077
O2   .20980 .37876  .9291       .0077
O3   .14738 .38453  .5544       .0077
O4   .14923 .34054  .2133       .0077
O5   .33694 .31729  .2700       .0077
O6   .05190    .50  .2621       .0077
O7   .00863 .30915  .7201       .0077
Ca   .27194    .50 .75867       .0126
Wat1   .025    .17    .00 .011  .0469
Wat2 .41577 .46147  .0573  .50  .0469
Wat5    .50 .43509    .50  .50  .0557
Wat8 .11622 .11218  .3000              .0339   .091   .226   .008   .047  -.091
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Fridriksson T, Bish D L, Bird D K
Download am/vol88/AM88_277.pdf
American Mineralogist 88 (2003) 277-287
Hydrogen-bonded water in laumontite I: X-ray powder diffraction
study of water site occupancy and structural changes in laumontite
during room-temperature isothermal hydration/dehydration
Sample: P = P = 37.6 mbar PH2O
_database_code_amcsd 0002980
14.8786 13.1708 7.5373 90 110.196 90 C2/m
atom      x      y      z  occ   Uiso
Si1  .23594 .38305  .1507      .01077
Si2  .07851 .38374  .3254      .00757
Al   .12877 .30795  .7362      .01049
O1    .2586    .50  .2202       .0107
O2    .2094  .3790  .9242       .0106
O3    .1391  .3780  .5472       .0085
O4   .14540  .3450  .2079       .0030
O5    .3292 .31594  .2616       .0055
O6    .0450    .50  .2691       .0055
O7   .01190  .3076  .7324       .0093
Ca   .26006    .50  .7353       .0144
Wat1  .0138  .1717   .021 .428  .0244
Wat2  .3972    .50  .0226       .0244
Wat5    .50  .5242    .50 .467  .0600
Wat8  .1414  .1194  .3574       .0600
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Stahl K, Artioli G
European Journal of Mineralogy 5 (1993) 851-856
A neutron powder diffraction study of fully deuterated laumontite
_database_code_amcsd 0006493
14.863 13.169 7.537 90 110.18 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z occ Biso
Ca   .2603 .5000 .7288       .9
Si1  .2361 .3816 .1454       .4
Si2  .0805 .3799 .3337       .4
Al   .1342 .3094 .7378       .4
O1   .2558 .5000 .2224       .9
O2   .2061 .3789 .9125       .9
O3   .1369 .3771 .5457       .9
O4   .1470 .3475 .2065       .9
O5   .3307 .3186 .2589       .9
O6   .0448 .5000 .2729       .9
O7   .0123 .3095 .7272       .9
OW1  .0250 .1702     0  .5    3
OW2  .3887 .5000 .0069      1.4
OW5  .5000 .4419 .5000  .5    6
OW8  .1360 .1088 .3535      5.9
D1   .5066 .2943 .1150 .78  6.0
D21  .4369 .4454 .0125 .58  4.0
D22  .4359 .4535 .1374 .32  4.0
D5   .4529 .4722 .3872 .33  6.0
D81  .0853 .0720 .4316 .54  6.0
D82  .1562 .1509 .4638 .84  6.0
D83  .1228 .1682 .2421 .47  6.0
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Stahl K, Artioli G, Hanson J C
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 23 (1996) 328-336
The dehydration process in the zeolite laumontite:
a real-time synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study
Sample: T = 310 K
_database_code_amcsd 0007946
14.8066 13.1678 7.5389 90 110.647 90 C2/m
atom      x     y     z occ Biso
Si1   .2360 .3829 .1508      1.1
Si2   .0801 .3817 .3253      1.1
Al    .1306 .3106 .7384      1.1
O1    .2617    .5 .2223       .8
O2    .2086 .3738 .9304       .8
O3    .1386 .3809 .5571       .8
O4    .1485 .3444 .2080       .8
O5    .3349 .3141 .2682       .8
O6    .0403    .5 .2487       .8
O7    .0118 .3141 .7326       .8
Ca    .2666    .5 .7461      3.6
OWat1 .0250 .1709     0      4.0
OWat2 .3991 .5000 .0231      4.0
OWat5    .5 .4814    .5 .89  4.0
OWat8 .1400 .1176 .3520 .94  4.0
H1    .5066 .2944 .1150 .87  5.0
H21   .4473 .4454 .0287 .67  5.0
H22   .4463 .4535 .1536 .36  5.0
H5    .4529 .5114 .3872 .45  5.0
H81   .0898 .0812 .4275 .47  5.0
H82   .1607 .1601 .4597 .94  5.0
H83   .1273 .1774 .2380 .94  5.0
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Stahl K, Artioli G, Hanson J C
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 23 (1996) 328-336
The dehydration process in the zeolite laumontite:
a real-time synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study
Sample: T = 367 K
_database_code_amcsd 0007947
14.7612 13.0891 7.5480 90 111.804 90 C2/m
atom      x     y     z  occ Biso
Si1   .2378 .3822 .1597       1.2
Si2   .0801 .3846 .3261       1.2
Al    .1282 .3090 .7350       1.2
O1    .2566    .5 .2247       1.4
O2    .2132 .3765 .9280       1.4
O3    .1459 .3810 .5584       1.4
O4    .1504 .3411 .2123       1.4
O5    .3344 .3176 .2620       1.4
O6    .0477    .5 .2659       1.4
O7    .0080 .3112 .7201       1.4
Ca    .2703    .5 .7563       2.2
OWat1 .0250 .1700     0  .09  4.0
OWat2 .4139 .4652 .0473  .93  4.0
OWat5    .5 .4331    .5 1.05  4.0
OWat8 .1165 .1185 .2978  .96  4.0
H1    .5066 .2943 .1150  .09  5.0
H21   .4621 .4106 .0529  .61  5.0
H22   .4611 .4187 .1778  .33  5.0
H5    .4529 .4634 .3872  .53  5.0
H81   .0658 .0817 .3755  .48  5.0
H82   .1367 .1606 .4077  .96  5.0
H83   .1008 .1787 .1930  .96  5.0
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Stahl K, Artioli G, Hanson J C
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 23 (1996) 328-336
The dehydration process in the zeolite laumontite:
a real-time synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study
Sample: T = 425 K
_database_code_amcsd 0007948
14.6967 13.0756 7.4700 90 111.785 90 C2/m
atom      x     y     z occ Biso
Si1   .2379 .3819 .1590      1.6
Si2   .0775 .3845 .3206      1.6
Al    .1308 .3090 .7335      1.6
O1    .2549    .5 .2145      1.5
O2    .2165 .3742 .9276      1.5
O3    .1482 .3811 .5530      1.5
O4    .1439 .3446 .1998      1.5
O5    .3324 .3176 .2700      1.5
O6    .0429    .5 .2562      1.5
O7    .0079 .3123 .7235      1.5
Ca    .2720    .5 .7491      2.5
OWat2 .4182 .4724 .0780 .93  4.0
OWat5    .5 .3482    .5 .26  4.0
OWat8 .1133 .1167 .3115 .99  4.0
H21   .4664 .4178 .0836 .61  5.0
H22   .4654 .4259 .2085 .33  5.0
H5    .4529 .3782 .3872 .13  5.0
H82   .1335 .1588 .4218 .99  5.0
H83   .1001 .1761 .2001 .99  5.0
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Stahl K, Artioli G, Hanson J C
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 23 (1996) 328-336
The dehydration process in the zeolite laumontite:
a real-time synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study
Sample: T = 500 K
_database_code_amcsd 0007949
14.5601 13.1629 7.4291 90 110.582 90 C2/m
atom      x     y      z occ Biso
Si1   .2408 .3834  .1509      1.6
Si2   .0781 .3862  .3161      1.6
Al    .1336 .3082  .7318      1.6
O1    .2626    .5  .2255      1.8
O2    .2178 .3793  .9271      1.8
O3    .1447 .3784  .5483      1.8
O4    .1438 .3468  .1892      1.8
O5    .3353 .3169  .2638      1.8
O6    .0431    .5  .2646      1.8
O7    .0118 .3113  .7218      1.8
Ca    .2645    .5  .7261      2.6
OWat2 .4132 .4837 -.1441 .23  4.7
OWat5    .5 .3853     .5 .35  4.7
OWat8 .1047 .1237  .2688 .86  4.7
H21   .4614 .4292 -.1885 .15  5.7
H22   .4604 .4373 -.0636 .08  5.7
H5    .4529 .4153  .3872 .17  5.7
H82   .1249 .1658  .3791 .86  5.7
H83   .0915 .1831  .1574 .86  5.7
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Stahl K, Artioli G, Hanson J C
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 23 (1996) 328-336
The dehydration process in the zeolite laumontite:
a real-time synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction study
Sample: T = 584 K
_database_code_amcsd 0007950
14.5279 13.1979 7.4370 90 110.368 90 C2/m
atom      x     y      z occ Biso
Si1   .2406 .3831  .1491      1.8
Si2   .0784 .3860  .3175      1.8
Al    .1323 .3082  .7325      1.8
O1    .2655    .5  .2148      1.9
O2    .2153 .3787  .9255      1.9
O3    .1473 .3785  .5483      1.9
O4    .1419 .3480  .1927      1.9
O5    .3353 .3178  .2577      1.9
O6    .0444    .5  .2673      1.9
O7    .0124 .3097  .7219      1.9
Ca    .2634    .5  .7221      2.9
OWat2 .4052 .4700 -.1500 .20  6.0
OWat5    .5 .3900     .5 .19  6.0
OWat8 .1048 .1186  .2787 .77  6.0
H21   .4534 .4160 -.1550 .13  7.0
H22   .4524 .4240 -.0230 .07  7.0
H5    .4529 .4200  .3872 .10  7.0
H82   .1250 .1607  .3891 .77  7.0
H83   .0916 .1780  .1674 .77  7.0
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Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31 (2004) 421-428
Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite
Sample: Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, NMNH R4159; P = ambient
_database_code_amcsd 0008867
14.7514 13.0827 7.5648 90 111.997 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z occ Uiso
Ca    .282    .5  .770     .007
Al   .1317 .3104 .7285     .007
Si1  .2412 .3798 .1644     .007
Si2  .0879 .3843 .3346     .007
O1    .259    .5  .217     .007
O2    .215  .364  .938     .007
O3    .152  .390  .561     .007
O4    .152  .338  .220     .007
O5    .339  .318  .290     .007
O6    .056    .5  .261     .007
O7    .010  .317  .710     .007
Wat2  .409  .448  .016  .5 .007
Wat5    .5  .463    .5  .5 .007
Wat8  .131  .094  .333 .76 .007
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Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31 (2004) 421-428
Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite
Sample: Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, NMNH R4159; P = 0.2 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0008868
14.8831 13.1820 7.5387 90 110.181 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z occ Uiso
Ca    .269    .5  .733     .038
Al   .1255 .3097 .7316     .038
Si1  .2434 .3825 .1628     .038
Si2  .0794 .3865 .3273     .038
O1    .272    .5  .215     .038
O2    .202  .369  .935     .038
O3    .137  .389  .554     .038
O4    .156  .349  .230     .038
O5    .336  .315  .275     .038
O6    .040    .5  .257     .038
O7    .007  .305  .724     .038
Wat1  .026  .140  .047  .5 .038
Wat2  .594    .5 -.021     .038
Wat5    .5    .5    .5     .038
Wat8  .143  .126  .371     .038
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Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31 (2004) 421-428
Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite
Sample: Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, NMNH R4159; P = 0.3 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0008869
14.8913 13.1661 7.5284 90 110.008 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z occ Uiso
Ca    .267    .5  .726     .026
Al   .1275 .3105 .7293     .026
Si1  .2422 .3821 .1598     .026
Si2  .0792 .3872 .3260     .026
O1    .270    .5  .210     .026
O2    .206  .367  .933     .026
O3    .139  .390  .552     .026
O4    .152  .349  .222     .026
O5    .334  .314  .279     .026
O6    .040    .5  .251     .026
O7    .009  .308  .724     .026
Wat1  .024  .155  .046  .5 .026
Wat2  .413    .5  .011     .026
Wat5    .5    .5    .5     .026
Wat8  .140  .122  .365     .026
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Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31 (2004) 421-428
Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite
Sample: Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, NMNH R4159; P = 0.6 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0008870
14.8795 13.1442 7.5078 90 109.920 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z Uiso
Ca    .270    .5  .735 .036
Al   .1278 .3077 .7282 .036
Si1  .2407 .3803 .1587 .036
Si2  .0767 .3871 .3233 .036
O1    .265    .5  .197 .036
O2    .209  .360  .933 .036
O3    .136  .389  .550 .036
O4    .150  .349  .220 .036
O5    .334  .317  .284 .036
O6    .037    .5  .250 .036
O7    .011  .307  .731 .036
Wat1  .000  .153  .000 .036
Wat2  .409    .5  .013 .036
Wat5    .5    .5    .5 .036
Wat8  .146  .122  .366 .036
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Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31 (2004) 421-428
Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite
Sample: Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, NMNH R4159; P = 1.1 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0008871
14.8486 13.1211 7.4774 90 110.001 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z Uiso
Ca    .270    .5  .725 .038
Al   .1293 .3095 .7284 .038
Si1  .2398 .3813 .1576 .038
Si2  .0743 .3869 .3172 .038
O1    .266    .5  .208 .038
O2    .212  .365  .931 .038
O3    .134  .389  .545 .038
O4    .146  .349  .209 .038
O5    .331  .315  .284 .038
O6    .036    .5  .241 .038
O7    .013  .306  .737 .038
Wat1  .000  .154  .000 .038
Wat2  .414    .5  .031 .038
Wat5    .5    .5    .5 .038
Wat8  .139  .123  .377 .038
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Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31 (2004) 421-428
Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite
Sample: Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, NMNH R4159; P = 1.7 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0008872
14.7934 13.0979 7.4420 90 110.166 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z Uiso
Ca    .269    .5  .722 .053
Al   .1309 .3112 .7312 .053
Si1  .2405 .3823 .1610 .053
Si2  .0768 .3859 .3191 .053
O1    .265  .500  .224 .053
O2    .213  .371  .932 .053
O3    .138  .390  .547 .053
O4    .149  .344  .213 .053
O5    .333  .315  .283 .053
O6    .039    .5  .246 .053
O7    .014  .308  .735 .053
Wat1  .000  .154  .000 .053
Wat2  .420    .5  .039 .053
Wat5    .5    .5    .5 .053
Wat8  .134  .126  .378 .053
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Lee Y, Hriljac J A, Vogt T
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 31 (2004) 421-428
Pressure-induced migration of zeolitic water in laumontite
Sample: Pleasant Valley, Connecticut, NMNH R4159; P = 2.4 GPa
_database_code_amcsd 0008873
14.7204 13.1084 7.4080 90 110.512 90 C2/m
atom     x     y     z occ Uiso
Ca    .277    .5  .709     .013
Al   .1308 .3111 .7348     .013
Si1  .2444 .3815 .1664     .013
Si2  .0815 .3866 .3200     .013
O1    .263    .5  .230     .013
O2    .215  .370  .935     .013
O3    .139  .390  .551     .013
O4    .154  .339  .219     .013
O5    .340  .316  .287     .013
O6    .048    .5  .236     .013
O7    .013  .313  .740     .013
Wat1  .002  .175  .065  .5 .013
Wat2  .438    .5  .153     .013
Wat5    .5  .576    .5  .5 .013
Wat8  .122  .126  .369     .013
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