Bayliss P
American Mineralogist 67 (1982) 1058-1064
A further crystal structure refinement of gersdorffite
Sample: M15861
Locality: Garson mine, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
_database_code_amcsd 0000884
5.622 5.622 5.622 90 90 90 Pca2_1
atom x y z occ
Fe 0 .25 0 .19
Co 0 .25 0 .27
Ni 0 .25 0 .54
As1 .375 .625 .375 .52
S1 .375 .625 .375 .48
As2 .625 .875 .625 .52
S2 .625 .875 .625 .48
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