American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

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Hatert F, Ottolini L, Wouters J, Fontan F
The Canadian Mineralogist 50 (2012) 843-854
A structural study of the lithiophilite-sicklerite series
Sample 3, yellow
Locality: Koktokay No. 3 granitic pegmatite, Altai Mountains, northwestern China
_database_code_amcsd 0019731
4.7403 10.4145 6.0795 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom      x      y    z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Li1       0      0    0  .84  .0169   .019  .0165   .015 -.0053 -.0069 -.0007
Mn2  .97167 .28160  .25 .800 .00845 .00939 .00782 .00815 .00033      0      0
Fe2  .97167 .28160  .25 .200 .00845 .00939 .00782 .00815 .00033      0      0
P    .41062 .09310  .25      .00713 .00666 .00712 .00762 .00019      0      0
O1    .7308 .09807  .25       .0115  .0078  .0140  .0127 -.0004      0      0
O2    .2081 .45573  .25       .0103  .0100  .0080  .0130  .0009      0      0
O3   .27722 .16258 .049      .01094  .0101  .0130  .0098  .0019  .0003  .0033
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Hatert F, Ottolini L, Wouters J, Fontan F
The Canadian Mineralogist 50 (2012) 843-854
A structural study of the lithiophilite-sicklerite series
Sample 4, orange
Locality: Koktokay No. 3 granitic pegmatite, Altai Mountains, northwestern China
_database_code_amcsd 0019732
4.7670 10.403 6.0720 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom      x      y     z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Li1       0      0     0  .76   .019   .020   .016   .021   -.009  -.011  .0000
Mn2  .97049 .28133   .25 .800 .00794  .0086  .0075  .0077 -.00003      0      0
Fe2  .97049 .28133   .25 .180 .00794  .0086  .0075  .0077 -.00003      0      0
P    .41078 .09375   .25       .0079  .0063  .0085  .0089   .0000      0      0
O1    .7299  .1007   .25       .0137  .0068  .0184  .0158  -.0010      0      0
O2    .2030 .45549   .25       .0126  .0126  .0099  .0153   .0002      0      0
O3    .2763 .16366 .0497       .0131  .0103  .0168  .0121   .0023 -.0012  .0036
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Hatert F, Ottolini L, Wouters J, Fontan F
The Canadian Mineralogist 50 (2012) 843-854
A structural study of the lithiophilite-sicklerite series
Sample 5, deep orange
Locality: Koktokay No. 3 granitic pegmatite, Altai Mountains, northwestern China
_database_code_amcsd 0019733
4.7651 10.3379 6.0595 90 90 90 Pbnm
atom      x       y     z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Li1       0       0     0 .748  .0220   .019   .019   .027  -.0074 -.0096 -.0019
Mn2  .97002 .281180   .25 .800 .00931 .00996 .00909 .00887 -.00036      0      0
Fe2  .97002 .281180   .25 .195 .00931 .00996 .00909 .00887 -.00036      0      0
P    .41101  .09406   .25      .00849 .00722 .00933 .00893  .00000      0      0
O1    .7292  .10211   .25       .0150  .0086  .0206  .0157  -.0006      0      0
O2    .2001  .45515   .25       .0136  .0152  .0109  .0147   .0004      0      0
O3   .27588  .16404 .0492      .01422  .0121  .0175  .0131   .0018 -.0006  .0047
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Total number of retrieved datasets: 3
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