American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

3 matching records for this search.

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Vignola P, Gatta G D, Hatert F, Guastoni A, Bersani D
The Canadian Mineralogist 52 (2014) 235-245
On the crystal-chemistry of a near-endmember triplite, Mn2+2(PO4)F,
from the Codera Valley (Sondrio Province, Central Alps, Italy)
Locality: Codera Valley, Sondrio, Central Alps, Italy
_database_code_amcsd 0020668
12.109 6.5162 10.117 90 106.16 90 I2/a
atom      x       y      z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3)  U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
MnM1 .19521 -.01430 .18824 .971 .0105  .0102  .0119  .0091   .0029  .0020  .0000
FeM1 .19521 -.01430 .18824 .029 .0105  .0102  .0119  .0091   .0029  .0020  .0000
MnM2 .09364  .14593 .44514 .993 .0093  .0116  .0072  .0091  -.0009  .0029 -.0007
FeM2 .09364  .14593 .44514 .007 .0093  .0116  .0072  .0091  -.0009  .0029 -.0007
P    .07372  .65721 .37919      .0071  .0076  .0060  .0081   .0001  .0029  .0001
O1   .05661  .83127 .47407      .0117  .0151  .0092  .0128  -.0028  .0073 -.0032
O2   .95951  .60809 .27198      .0122  .0090  .0165  .0099 -.00245  .0009 -.0003
O3   .16461  .71588 .30680      .0134  .0135  .0133  .0161  -.0002  .0089  .0018
O4   .11718  .46828 .47054      .0126  .0130  .0089  .0147   .0011  .0017  .0020
F    .26581  .15469  .3728      .0194  .0168  .0202  .0177   .0012 -.0011 -.0060
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Rea J R, Kostiner E
Acta Crystallographica B28 (1972) 2525-2529
The crystal structure of manganese fluorophosphate, Mn2(PO4)F
Locality: synthetic
_database_code_amcsd 0009440
13.410 6.5096 10.094 90 119.99 90 C2/c
atom      x      y      z B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3)  B(1,2) B(1,3)  B(2,3)
Mn1  .05582 .26660 .99515 .00105 .00501 .00196  .00066 .00071  .00057
Mn2  .34421 .39570 .64860 .00124 .00265 .00222 -.00016 .00091  .00008
P    .17571 .40582 .80601 .00063 .00200 .00130 -.00009 .00034 -.00004
O1    .3069  .0816  .5828 .00159 .00330 .00193 -.00023 .00056  .00083
O2    .2101  .1441  .1880 .00101 .00613 .00304  .00049 .00125  .00052
O3    .4157  .0367  .3582 .00124 .00424 .00150 -.00046 .00002  .00048
O4    .3677  .2826  .1451 .00150 .00241 .00307 -.00029 .00135  .00004
F     .0140  .0970  .3918 .00168 .00790 .00536 -.00009 .00194 -.00228
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Waldrop L
Download zk/vol130/ZK130_1.pdf
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 130 (1969) 1-14
The crystal structure of triplite, (Mn,Fe)2FPO4
Locality: Mica Lode, Colorado, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0010694
12.065 6.454 9.937 90 107.093 90 I2/a
atom     x     y     z occ Biso
Mn1  .1927 .9815 .1921 .56  .66
Fe1  .1927 .9815 .1921 .15  .66
Ca1  .1927 .9815 .1921 .05  .66
Mg1  .1927 .9815 .1921 .24  .66
Mn2  .0931 .1442 .4503 .39  .69
Fe2  .0931 .1442 .4503 .10  .69
Ca2  .0931 .1442 .4503 .05  .69
Mg2  .0931 .1442 .4503 .46  .69
P    .0743 .6546 .3798      .50
O1   .0556 .8301 .4752      .72
O2   .9606 .6066 .2666      .77
O3   .1673 .7124 .3091      .82
O4   .1165 .4630 .4739      .59
F1   .2591 .1227 .3947  .5 1.36
F2   .2786 .1694 .3521  .5 1.43
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