American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Atencio D, Coutinho J M V, Mascarenhas Y P, Ellena J A
American Mineralogist 91 (2006) 1932-1936
Matioliite, the Mg-analogue of burangaite, from Gentil mine, Mendes Pimentel,
Minas Gerais, Brazil, and other occurrences
Locality: Gentil mine, Mendes Pimentel, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Sample: T = 120 K
_database_code_amcsd 0004259
25.075 5.0470 13.4370 90 110.97 90 C2/c
atom      x     y     z occ Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Na        0 .6488   .25     .029   .028   .028   .030      0   .011      0
Mg      .25   .75    .5  .9 .019   .019   .022   .021      0   .011   .005
Fe      .25   .75    .5  .1 .031   .040   .005   .039  -.002   .002  -.013
Al1       0    .5    .5     .022   .024   .017   .028      0   .011  -.001
Al3   .1518 .4827 .6099     .022   .024   .016   .026  -.001   .010  -.001
Al4   .1412 .7234 .3518     .020   .024   .014   .024  -.001   .010      0
P1    .2161 .2341 .3281     .020   .025   .013   .024      0   .010   .001
P2    .0807 .2245 .3951     .021   .024   .015   .026      0   .010  -.001
O1    .0918 .4450 .3270     .025   .031   .015   .029  -.003   .013   .001
O2    .0805 .9559 .3422     .023   .029   .014   .028  -.002   .013  -.002
O3    .0213 .2766 .4018     .025   .025   .021   .028  -.001   .010  -.003
O4    .1258 .2215 .5073     .024   .027   .016   .028   .001   .009      0
O5    .1683 .7154 .5098     .022   .028   .016   .026      0   .012      0
O6    .2087 .4948 .3814     .023   .027   .014   .028   .001   .011  -.001
O7    .1972 .0002 .3826     .023   .027   .016   .028  -.002   .011   .002
O8    .1294 .7481 .2054     .023   .026   .016   .026  -.002   .009   .002
O9    .1756 .2440 .2113     .024   .026   .017   .028  -.001   .008  -.001
O10   .2775 .1904 .3411     .026   .028   .020   .031      0   .013  -.001
O11   .0748 .6282 .5645     .025   .027   .017   .032  -.002   .011  -.004
O12  -.0214 .7781 .3972     .026   .026   .019   .030  -.002   .009   .002
H5    .1627 .8143 .5453     .033
H8    .1417 .8647 .1973     .034
H11   .0723 .7290 .6016     .038
H12A -.0109 .9188 .3895     .038
H12B -.0618 .7643 .3588     .038
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