American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Comopdi P, Boffa Ballaran T, Zanazzi P F, Capalbo C, Zanetti A, Nazzareni S
American Mineralogist 95 (2010) 1042-1051
The effect of oxo-component on the high-pressure behavior of amphiboles
Sample: DL5 P = 0.67 GPa
Locality: an alkaline basalt of Deadman Lake Volcanic Area, USA
_database_code_amcsd 0005068
9.841 18.019 5.307 90 105.330 90 C2/m
atom      x     y     z occ Uiso
SiT1  .2816 .0857 .3040     .009
SiT2  .2906 .1725 .8123     .007
MgM1      0 .0849    .5 .60 .012
FeM1      0 .0849    .5 .40 .012
MgM2      0 .1772     0 .69 .007
FeM2      0 .1772     0 .31 .007
MgM3      0     0     0 .61 .008
FeM3      0     0     0 .39 .008
CaM4      0 .2784    .5 .94 .012
FeM4'     0  .254    .5 .05 .015
KAM    .538     0  .057 .27 .025
O1    .1056 .0868 .2174     .011
O2    .1195 .1726 .7326     .010
OH3    .116     0  .712     .013
O4    .3660 .2502 .7919     .014
O5    .3498 .1399 .1113     .012
O6    .3455 .1179 .6110     .013
O7     .336     0  .277     .016
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Total number of retrieved datasets: 1
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