American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Bindi L, Evain M, Menchetti S
The Canadian Mineralogist 45 (2007) 321-333
Complex twinning, polytypism and disorder phenomena in the crystal structures
of antimonpearceite and arsenpolybasite
Locality: Eagle mine, Colorado, USA
Sample: T = 330 K
Note: mineral name has been changed from antimonpearceite
Note: this is type pearceite-Tac
_database_code_amcsd 0006140
7.4805 7.4805 11.8836 90 90 120 P-3m1
atom      x      y      z  occ   Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2)  U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ag1  .14879  .2976 .38289  .66  .0584  .0457  .0728  .0658  .0364  -.0022 -.0045
Cu1  .14879  .2976 .38289  .34  .0584  .0457  .0728  .0658  .0364  -.0022 -.0045
Ag2    .196  .3651  .1206 .411   .461    .84  .0507  .0482  -.111   -.019  .0059
Ag3   .3740  .2792  .1168 .339   .120   .086   .197   .056   .055  -.0025  -.046
Cu2       0      0      0       .0314  .0392  .0392  .0158  .0196       0      0
Sb      2/3    1/3 .41180 .923 .02462 .02671 .02671  .0205 .01335       0      0
As      2/3    1/3 .41180 .077 .02462 .02671 .02671  .0205 .01335       0      0
S1        0      0 .18171       .0288  .0354  .0354  .0157  .0177       0      0
S2   .50432 .00864 .31065       .0301  .0297  .0223  .0358 .01113 -.00027 -.0005
S3      1/3    2/3  .0153       .0448  .0454  .0454  .0435  .0227       0      0
S4        0  .0798     .5  1/6  .0334
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Total number of retrieved datasets: 1
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