American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Hawthorne F C, Harlow G E
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 151-162
The crystal chemistry of Al-rich amphiboles: sadanagaite and potassic-ferrisadanagaite
Locality: Dattaw mine, Mogok Stone Tract, Mandalay Division, Myanmar
_database_code_amcsd 0006160
9.857 17.899 5.318 90 105.36 90 C2/m
atom        x      y      z  occ  Uiso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
NaAm     .017     .5   .039  .18 .0292
KAm      .017     .5   .039 .025 .0292
KAm'     .049     .5   .106  .06 .0292
NaA2       .5 -.0298      0 .225 .0292
CaM4        0 .28115     .5 .975 .0103  .0122  .0091  .0100      0  .0039      0
NaM4        0 .28115     .5 .025 .0103  .0122  .0091  .0100      0  .0039      0
MgM1        0 .08994     .5 .935 .0071  .0089  .0073  .0052      0  .0018      0
Fe2+M1      0 .08994     .5 .065 .0071  .0089  .0073  .0052      0  .0018      0
AlM2        0 .17641      0  .60 .0052  .0053  .0054  .0049      0  .0012      0
TiM2        0 .17641      0  .08 .0052  .0053  .0054  .0049      0  .0012      0
CrM2        0 .17641      0 .035 .0052  .0053  .0054  .0049      0  .0012      0
MgM2        0 .17641      0 .285 .0052  .0053  .0054  .0049      0  .0012      0
MgM3        0      0      0  .91 .0065  .0083  .0052  .0054      0  .0009      0
Fe2+M3      0      0      0  .09 .0065  .0083  .0052  .0054      0  .0009      0
SiT1   .27989 .08649 .30485 .515 .0106  .0111  .0105  .0098 -.0008  .0020 -.0001
AlT1   .27989 .08649 .30485 .485 .0106  .0111  .0105  .0098 -.0008  .0020 -.0001
SiT2   .29138 .17420 .81875  .86 .0093  .0102  .0091  .0084  .0001  .0021  .0005
AlT2   .29138 .17420 .81875  .14 .0093  .0102  .0091  .0084  .0001  .0021  .0005
O1     .10412 .09060  .2124      .0122  .0102  .0167  .0097 -.0029  .0023 -.0007
O2     .11794 .17446  .7416      .0110  .0118  .0103  .0098  .0002  .0012  .0015
OH3     .1085      0  .7135  .79 .0149  .0150  .0152  .0140      0  .0031      0
F3      .1085      0  .7135  .21 .0149  .0150  .0152  .0140      0  .0031      0
O4      .3701 .25257  .7933      .0127  .0177  .0097  .0123  .0006  .0068  .0007
O5      .3522 .14183  .1177      .0133  .0122  .0139  .0127 -.0013  .0013  .0031
O6      .3420 .11722  .6127      .0140  .0116  .0146  .0145  .0014  .0010 -.0034
O7      .3370      0  .2753      .0165  .0164  .0151  .0192      0  .0067      0
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