American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Sokolova E, Hawthorne F C
The Canadian Mineralogist 46 (2008) 1527-1554
The crystal chemistry of the scapolite-group minerals. I. crystal structure and
long-range order
Locality: Sluydyanka, Russia
Note: S16
_database_code_amcsd 0006229
12.1713 12.1713 7.5801 90 90 90 I4/m
atom      x      y      z occ  Uiso
Ca   .35772 .28246      0 .78 .0248
Na   .35772 .28246      0 .21 .0248
K    .35772 .28246      0 .01 .0248
Al1  .16074 .09196      0 .29 .0094
Si1  .16074 .09196      0 .71 .0094
Si2  .16017 .41304 .20691 .50 .0107
Al2  .16017 .41304 .20691 .50 .0107
O1    .0415  .1517      0     .0179
O2    .1866  .3725      0     .0164
O3   .44944 .15064  .2065     .0192
O4   .26683 .36535  .6733     .0223
O7     .112   .019     .5      .027
O8    -.068   .056     .5       .13
O9    -.005  -.118     .5       .25
O10    .021 -.0973   .594      .036
Cl        0      0     .5 .02 .0147
C      .009  -.014     .5 .71 -.062
O12    .009  -.014     .5 .71 -.062
O13    .009  -.014     .5 .71 -.062
O14    .009  -.014     .5 .71 -.062
S         0      0     .5 .27 .0147
O15       0      0     .5 .27 .0147
O16       0      0     .5 .27 .0147
O17       0      0     .5 .27 .0147
O18       0      0     .5 .27 .0147
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