FeMnSiO4 |
Redfern S A T, Henderson C M B, Knight K S, Wood B J |
European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (1997) 287-300 |
High-temperature order-disorder in (Fe0.5Mn0.5)2SiO4 and (Mg0.5Mn0.5)2SiO4 |
olivines: an in situ neutron diffraction study |
Sample: T = 20 C |
_database_code_amcsd 0006655 |
4.86145 10.5839 6.16980 90 90 90 Pbnm |
atom x y z occ Biso |
FeM1 0 0 0 .674 .37 |
MnM1 0 0 0 .326 .37 |
MnM2 .970 .2821 .25 .674 .37 |
FeM2 .970 .2821 .25 .326 .37 |
Si .4272 .0963 .25 .22 |
O1 .7631 .0923 .25 .55 |
O2 .2135 .4540 .25 .52 |
O3 .2872 .1638 .0385 .50 |
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