American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Oberti R, Boiocchi M, Smith D C, Medenbach O, Helmers H
European Journal of Mineralogy 20 (2008) 1005-1010
Potassic-aluminotaramite from Sierra de los Filabres, Spain
Locality: Sierra de los Filabres, Spain
_database_code_amcsd 0007271
9.8505 18.0075 5.3518 90 104.775 90 C2/m
atom       x     y     z occ Biso B(1,1) B(2,2) B(3,3) B(1,2) B(1,3) B(2,3)
NaA        0    .5     0 .19 1.43  .0019  .0021  .0094      0  .0016      0
KA         0    .5     0 .36 1.43  .0019  .0021  .0094      0  .0016      0
NaAm   .0350    .5 .0765 .13  1.7  .0042  .0020  .0095      0  .0010      0
KAm    .0350    .5 .0765 .25  1.7  .0042  .0020  .0095      0  .0010      0
NaA2       0 .4625     0 .02  2.1  .0053  .0001  .0375      0  .0039      0
KA2        0 .4625     0 .05  2.1  .0053  .0001  .0375      0  .0039      0
CaM4       0 .2819    .5 .57  .74  .0026  .0005  .0071      0  .0024      0
NaM4       0 .2819    .5 .42  .74  .0026  .0005  .0071      0  .0024      0
Fe2+M4     0 .2819    .5 .01  .74  .0026  .0005  .0071      0  .0024      0
MgM1       0 .0919    .5 .15  .57  .0021  .0005  .0035      0  .0013      0
FeM1       0 .0919    .5 .85  .57  .0021  .0005  .0035      0  .0013      0
AlM2       0 .1805     0 .63  .53  .0016  .0004  .0053      0  .0008      0
Fe2+M2     0 .1805     0 .11  .53  .0016  .0004  .0053      0  .0008      0
Fe3+M2     0 .1805     0 .23  .53  .0016  .0004  .0053      0  .0008      0
TiM2       0 .1805     0 .03  .53  .0016  .0004  .0053      0  .0008      0
MgM3       0     0     0 .03  .55  .0021  .0003  .0041      0  .0005      0
Fe2+M3     0     0     0 .87  .55  .0021  .0003  .0041      0  .0005      0
MnM3       0     0     0 .10  .55  .0021  .0003  .0041      0  .0005      0
SiT1   .2769 .0880 .3027  .5  .46  .0015  .0004  .0034  .0000  .0005 -.0001
AlT1   .2769 .0880 .3027  .5  .46  .0015  .0004  .0034  .0000  .0005 -.0001
SiT2   .2917 .1742 .8172      .45  .0015  .0003  .0036 -.0001  .0007 -.0001
O1     .1020 .0959 .2072      .75  .0022  .0007  .0058 -.0001  .0011 -.0001
O2     .1204 .1774 .7476      .69  .0017  .0006  .0060  .0000  .0006 -.0001
O3     .1099     0 .7081      .87  .0023  .0007  .0076      0  .0009      0
O4     .3712 .2511 .7995      .75  .0029  .0004  .0064 -.0002  .0019 -.0001
O5     .3517 .1374 .1049      .85  .0020  .0008  .0068  .0000  .0004  .0011
O6     .3393 .1200 .6057      .89  .0021  .0008  .0087  .0001  .0011 -.0009
O7     .3282     0 .2922     1.22  .0029  .0010  .0120      0  .0012      0
H       .192     0  .749      1.1
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