American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Tordjman I, Durif A, Guitel J
Acta Crystallographica B32 (1976) 205-208
Structure cristalline du trimetaphosphate de strontium heptahydrate
_cod_database_code 1007000
_database_code_amcsd 0009549
16.05 12.33 10.87 90. 90. 90. Pnma
atom       x      y       z
Sr1   .10283    .25  .11589
Sr2   .33160    .25 -.00255
Sr3   .50341    .75  .25188
P1    .28839 .50401  .47626
P2    .12791 .49174  .34669
P3    .13707 .47083  .61139
O1    .22833 .48032  .36029
O2    .09812 .44314  .47745
O3    .23319 .44623  .58495
O4    .36425 .44167  .45835
O5    .29244 .62123  .49907
O6    .09913 .41854  .24921
O7    .10522 .60765  .34322
O8    .10769 .38986  .70005
O9    .12508  .5868  .63498
O10   .47892 .62443  .44941
O11   .45286    .25  .29950
O12  -.00142    .25  .50055
O13   .25168    .25  .23005
O14   .25168    .75  .27945
O15   .13004    .75  .10597
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