American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Leblanc M, Ferey G, Pape R
Acta Crystallographica C41 (1985) 657-660
Room-Temperature Structure of Ammonium Tetrafluorate(III), NH4(FeF4)
_cod_database_code 1000206
_database_code_amcsd 0010006
7.559 7.575 12.754 90 90 90 Pnma
atom     x     y      z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe1      0     0      0  .0076  .0084  .0114 -.0003  .0000  .0002
Fe2      0     0     .5  .0066  .0044  .0108 -.0001 -.0001  .0002
F1   .0364   .25 -.0309  .0244  .0076  .0368      0  .0089      0
F2   .2501 .0047  .4695  .0085  .0200  .0350  .0090  .0004 -.0036
F3   .4492   .25  .0187  .0180  .0065  .0367      0  .0060      0
F4   .0484 .0352  .1418  .0269  .0296  .0171 -.0056 -.0049 -.0010
F5   .0360 .0331  .6438  .0261  .0288  .0103 -.0026 -.0037  .0033
N1   .2880   .25  .2562  .0350  .0262  .0157      0 -.0068      0
N2   .2747   .25  .7594  .0193  .0249  .0254      0 -.0017      0
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