American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Celestian A J, Parise J B, Goodell C, Tripathi A, Hanson J
Chemistry of Materials 16 (2004) 2244-2254
Time-resolved diffraction studies of ion exchange: K(+) and Na(+) exchange into
(Al,Ge) gismondine (GIS)Na24Al24Ge24O96*40(H2O) and K8Al8Ge8O32*8(H2O)
_database_code_amcsd 0012221
14.42 9.87 23.33 90 105.92 90 C2/c
atom         x     y       z  occ  Uiso
Na1     -.0292 .3393   .4444   .1   .02
Na2      .2176 .8613   .3840   .1   .02
Na3      .0190 .1183  3.2960   .1   .02
K1        -.59 .4726  -.8231  .45   .05
K2      -.5887 .7723  -.7167  .45   .05
K3     -1.2567 .4726 -1.1564  .45   .05
K4     -1.2554 .7723 -1.0500  .45   .05
K5      -.9233 .4726  -.4898  .45   .05
K6      -.9220 .7723  -.3834  .45   .05
Al1     -.5080 .3397  -.5665        .02
Al2    -1.1746 .3397  -.8999        .02
Al3     -.8413 .3397  -.2332        .02
Ge1     -.6899 .4136  -.6846        .02
Ge2    -1.3565 .4136 -1.0180        .02
Ge3    -1.0232 .4136  -.3513        .02
O1     -.57733 .4337  -.6296        .02
O10    -1.0624 .5793  -.3732        .02
O11    -1.0122 .3294  -.4154        .02
O12    -1.1047 .3213  -.3248        .02
O2      -.7291 .5793  -.7065        .02
O3      -.6789 .3294  -.7487        .02
O4      -.7714 .3213  -.6581        .02
O5     -1.2440 .4337  -.9629        .02
O6     -1.3958 .5793 -1.0398        .02
O7     -1.3456 .3294 -1.0820        .02
O8     -1.4380 .3213  -.9915        .02
O9      -.9107 .4337  -.2962        .02
Wat40 -.548533 .4837  -.7982 .833   .05
Wat41   -.5686 .7589  -.7413 .833   .05
Wat42  -1.2152 .4837 -1.1315 .833   .05
Wat43  -1.2352 .7589 -1.0747 .833   .05
Wat44   -.8819 .4837  -.4648 .833   .05
Wat45   -.9019 .7589  -.4080 .833   .05
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