American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Ag Mo3 O16 P3
Guesdon A, Borel M, Grandin A, Leclaire A, Raveau B
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences 316 (1993) 477-482
Structure du monophosphate de molybdene a valence mixte
_cod_database_code 1001544
_database_code_amcsd 0012311
6.403 7.600 12.769 80.11 79.59 83.82 P-1
atom      x      y      z
Mo1  .20270 .21603 .54602
Mo2  .40997 .75723 .16430
Mo3  .06350 .21074 .13882
Ag1  .59455  .3295 .33336
P1    .5751  .1706  .0994
P2    .3062  .8576  .4200
P3    .0680  .4806  .3171
O1    .1887  .0540  .6519
O2    .8999  .2226  .5243
O3    .5148  .2605  .5301
O4    .3045  .0520  .4349
O5    .1346  .4276  .6242
O6    .2245  .4079  .3935
O7    .0884  .3181  .0125
O8   -.0106  .3270  .2715
O9    .7453  .2104  .1617
O10   .1276 -.0109  .1301
O11   .3608  .2450  .1585
O12   .6086  .6056  .1869
O13   .3773  .7299  .0155
O14   .1678  .6075  .2189
O15   .3455  .8557  .2993
O16   .5768  .9700  .1005
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