Averbuch-Pouchot M, Durif A, Tordjman I
Crystal Structure Communications 2 (1973) 89-90
Cadmium trimetaphosphate tetradecahydrate, Cd3(P3O9)2(H2O)14
_cod_database_code 1007056
_database_code_amcsd 0012327
12.228 12.228 5.451 90 90 120 P-3
atom x y z
Cd1 .5 .5 0
P1 .6450 .4578 .4903
O1 .5407 .3135 .5311
O2 .6416 .4843 .2219
O3 .6263 .5348 .6684
O4 .6177 .7155 .0102
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