American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

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Bolotina N B, Maksimov B A, Simonov V I, Derzhavin S I, Uvarova T V, Apollonov V V
Crystallography Reports 38 (1993) 446-450
Atomic structure and spectral properties of LiCaAlF6:Cr3+ single crystals
Locality: synthetic
Sample: LiCaAlF6:Cr3+
_database_code_amcsd 0012341
5.008 5.008 9.642 90 90 120 P-31c
atom     x     y     z  Biso U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Ca       0     0     0  .634  .0095  .0095  .0013  .0048      0      0
Li     1/3   2/3   .25 1.359  .0154  .0154  .0047  .0077      0      0
Al     2/3   1/3   .25  .513  .0068  .0068  .0014  .0034      0      0
F    .3768 .0310 .1434  .935  .0123  .0105  .0026  .0043 -.0023 -.0007
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