American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Lacorre P, Hervieu M, Pannetier J, Choisnet J, Raveau B
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 50 (1983) 196-203
Neutron diffraction study of Li1+x (Li2x/3 Fe1-x Sn1+x/3) O4, a
nonstoichiometric ramsdellite and its transition to a double hexagonal
close packed structure for x = 0
_cod_database_code 1000433
_database_code_amcsd 0013516
3.074 5.116 9.881 90 90 90 Pmcn
atom   x     y      z  occ
Li1  .25  .907   .423 .625
Li2  .25 .9663  .1362 .083
Fe1  .25 .9663  .1362 .375
Sn1  .25 .9663  .1362 .542
O1   .25 .6602  .2704
O2   .25 .2154 -.0347
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