Crespin M, Bassat J, Odier P, Mouron P, Choisnet J
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 84 (1990) 165-170
Synthesis and crystallographic characterization of the mixed-valence
reduced nickelate La1.6 Sr0.4 (Ni(+I), Ni(+II)) O3.47
_cod_database_code 1001696
_database_code_amcsd 0013671
3.8728 3.7242 12.767 90 90 90 Immm
atom x y z occ
La1 0 0 .3610 .8
Sr1 0 0 .3610 .2
Ni1 0 0 0
O1 0 0 .173
O2 .5 0 0 .85
O3 0 .5 0 .65
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