American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Bi1.77 Ca0.2 Fe2 O10 Sr3.8
Hervieu M, Pelloquin D, Michel C, Caldes M, Raveau B
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 118 (1995) 227-240
The ferrites Bi(n+1) Sr2(n+2) Ba(n-1) Fe(n+1) O6(n+4): a series of
intergrowths of the 2201 and 0201 structures
_cod_database_code 1001693
_database_code_amcsd 0013872
5.414 5.414 18.52399 90 90 90 Cm2a
atom    x    y     z  occ
Bi1   .25    0 .4185 .885
Sr1   .25 .535 .2652 .900
Ca1   .25 .535 .2652 .100
Sr2   .25   .5 .0697
Fe1   .25    0 .1606
O1    .25    0  .060
O2      0  .25 .1615
O3    .25    0  .297
O4   .381 .631  .392   .5
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