American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Li0.5 Mo O11 P2 W
Leclaire A, Borel M, Chardon J, Raveau B
Materials Research Bulletin 31 (1996) 1257-1262
Nonstoichiometry in the Li Mo2 (P O4)3 structure: the molybdenotungsten
monophosphate Li0.5 Mo W O3 (P O4)2
_cod_database_code 1001754
_database_code_amcsd 0014377
7.735 12.655 8.324 90 105.97 90 P2_1/m
atom      x      y      z  occ
W1   .27080 .50078 .34735 .572
Mo1  .27080 .50078 .34735 .428
W2    .7309    .25  .1745 .497
Mo2   .7309    .25  .1745 .503
W3    .6865    .75  .1698 .360
Mo3   .6865    .75  .1698 .640
P1    .3207    .25  .2501
P2    .8160  .5064  .2609
P3    .1395    .75  .4091
Li1      .5     .5      0
O1    .3371  .5162  .1713
O2       .5     .5     .5
O3    .2447  .6531   .384
O4      .25  .3478   .329
O5    .0017   .502  .2328
O6    .1792  .4733  .5611
O7     .903    .25   .088
O8     .548    .25  -.024
O9    .7094  .4075   .188
O10    .889    .25   .416
O11    .524    .25   .296
O12    .623    .75   .344
O13    .955    .75   .280
O14   .7045  .5935   .145
O15    .765    .75  -.061
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