Fuertes A, Obradors X, Navarro J, Gomez-Romero P, Casan-Pastor N,
Perez F, Fontcuberta J, Miravitlles C
Rodriguez-Carvajal J, Martinez B
Physica C 170 (1990) 153-160
Oxygen excess and superconductivity at 45 K in La2 Ca Cu2 O6+y
_cod_database_code 1006108
_database_code_amcsd 0015021
3.83350 3.83350 19.51689 90 90 90 I4/mmm
atom x y z occ
Ca1 0 0 0 .77
La1 0 0 0 .23
La2 0 0 .1759 .885
Ca2 0 0 .1759 .115
Cu1 0 0 .5853
O1 0 .5 .0821
O2 0 0 .7039
O3 0 0 .5 .037
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