American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Bi0.33 Ca0.89 Cu2 O7 Sr2 Tl0.78
Ledesert M, Maignan A, Chardon J, Martin C, Labbe P, Hervieu M, Raveau B
Physica C 232 (1994) 387-395
(Tl, Bi) Sr2 Ca Cu2 O7 "1212" superconducting single crystal.
A structural and magnetic study
_cod_database_code 1001634
_database_code_amcsd 0015068
3.7922 3.7922 12.0661 90 90 90 P4/mmm
atom     x    y     z   occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Tl1  .0575    0     0 .1675   .031  .0137  .0046      0      0      0
Bi1  .0575    0     0 .0825   .031  .0137  .0046      0      0      0
Ca1     .5   .5    .5   .89  .0083  .0083  .0091      0      0      0
Tl2     .5   .5    .5   .11  .0083  .0083  .0091      0      0      0
Sr1     .5   .5 .2170        .0101  .0101  .0124      0      0      0
Cu1      0    0 .3642        .0058  .0058  .0106      0      0      0
O1       0   .5 .3693         .012   .010   .014      0      0      0
O2       0    0 .1660         .016   .016   .010      0      0      0
O3    .411 .411     0   .25   .016   .016    .02   -.01      0      0
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