American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Tang X, Gentiletti M J, Lachgar A, Morozov V A, Lazoryak B I
Solid State Sciences 3 (2001) 143-153
The pillared layered framework of Ba3(In1-xMx)2(HXO4)6(0<=x<=1; M=Fe,Cr; X=P, As):
synthesis, crystal structure, thermal stability and Mossbauer spectroscopy
_database_code_amcsd 0015517
9.502 9.502 37.116 90 90 120 R-3c
atom      x      y       z   occ  Uiso
Ba   .25820 .92486    1/12       .0146
In1     2/3    1/3    1/12 .1527 .0075
Fe1     2/3    1/3    1/12 .3474 .0075
In2       0      0       0 .3219 .0067
Fe2       0      0       0 .1782 .0067
P     .3655  .2867  .03253       .0129
O1    .4647  .2242  .05216       .0123
O2    .3903  .4466   .0480       .0159
O3    .1861  .1531  .03539       .0123
Oh4   .4120  .3098 -.00823       .0181
H      .500    .36   -.015         .09
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