American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Pekov I V, Chukanov N V, Kulikova I M, Zubkova N V, Krotova O D, Sorokina N I, Pushcharovsky D Y
Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 133 (2004) 41-49
New mineral bario-olgite, Ba(Na,Sr,REE)2Na[PO4]2 and its crystal structure
_database_code_amcsd 0015713
5.541 5.541 7.020 90 90 120 P3
atom    x    y     z occ  Uiso
BaM1    0    0     0 .94 .0439
KM1     0    0     0 .06 .0439
NaM2  2/3  1/3  .335  .5 .0348
CeM2  2/3  1/3  .335 .18 .0348
SrM2  2/3  1/3  .335 .28 .0348
CaM2  2/3  1/3  .335 .04 .0348
NaM3  1/3  2/3  .664 .62 .0067
SrM3  1/3  2/3  .664 .38 .0067
NaM4    0    0  .505     .0142
P1    1/3  2/3  .225     .0105
P2    2/3  1/3  .792      .026
O1   .795 .182  .702      .046
O2   .170 .821  .294      .051
O3    1/3  2/3 -.000      .035
O4    2/3  1/3 -.008      .039
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