American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Cl2 Cr2 H8 Hg N2 O7
Averbuch-Pouchot M, El-Horr N, Guitel J
Acta Crystallographica C40 (1984) 725-728
Structures of Mercury Dichloride - Dipotassium Dichromate (1/1),
Hg Cl2 K2 Cr2 O7, and Mercury Dichloride - Diammonium Dichromate
(1/1), Hg Cl2 ((N H4)2 Cr2 O7)
_cod_database_code 1008241
_database_code_amcsd 0016163
14.891 7.604 9.620 90 96.02 90 P2_1/a
atom      x      y      z
Hg1  .06039 .11953 .16122
Cr1   .0256  .3770  .7905
Cr2   .1220  .3099  .5191
Cl1   .4042  .3763  .1119
Cl2   .2163  .1011  .1992
O1    .0650   .448  .6314
O2    .4555   .288  .7519
O3    .1089   .325  .9009
O4    .0265   .464  .1490
O5    .0513   .176  .4333
O6    .1690   .435  .4145
O7    .1987   .197  .6118
N1    .3639   .311   .467
N2    .2926   .102   .877
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