American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Fe10.99 Na2.4 O16.03
Vincent H, Bekka A, Anne M, Joubert J
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 81 (1989) 181-191
Synthese, structure cristalline,conductivite ionique, et proprietes
magnetiques d'un nouveau ferrite de type alumine beta Na1.3 K.6 Fe10.1 Zn.9 O17
_cod_database_code 1008437
_database_code_amcsd 0016343
5.947 5.947 35.83 90 90 120 R-3m
atom      x       y       z  occ U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Fe1  .16889 -.16889 -.06991       .0050  .0050  .0018  .0027  .0003 -.0003
Fe2       0       0  .35041 .999  .0047  .0047  .0005  .0024      0      0
Fe3       0       0  .44982       .0054  .0054  .0001  .0027      0      0
Fe4       0       0       0  .99  .0051  .0051  .0001  .0026      0      0
O1   .15604 -.15604  .03389  .92  .0047  .0047  .0001  .0013 -.0008  .0008
O2   .16404 -.16404  .23599  .95  .0045  .0045  .0032  .0024  .0009 -.0009
O3        0       0  .29639 .987  .0055  .0055  .0030  .0028      0      0
O4        0       0  .09588 .918  .0040  .0040  .0015  .0020      0      0
O5        0       0      .5       .0423  .0423  .0024  .0212      0      0
Na1    .700   -.700   .1635  .40  .1298  .1298  .0295 -.0856  .0502 -.0502
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