American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Al2 B2 Ni4 O10
Schwab A, Bertaut E
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie 93 (1970) 255-257
Structure du boroaluminate B2 O3 Al2 O3 (Ni O)4
_cod_database_code 1008835
_database_code_amcsd 0016704
9.2 12.2 2.99 90 90 90 Pbam
atom    x     y  z   occ
Ni1     0     0 .5 .6667
Ni2    .5     0  0 .6667
Ni3     0  .283 .5 .6667
Ni4  .244  .115  0 .6667
B1   .264  .363  0
Al1     0     0 .5 .3333
Al2    .5     0  0 .3333
Al3     0  .283 .5 .3333
Al4  .244  .115  0 .3333
O1   .147 -.047  0
O2   .123   .14 .5
O3   .113  .362  0
O4   .389  .083 .5
O5   .353  .271  0
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