American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

F7 Ho2 K
le Fur Y, Aleonard S, Gorius M, Roux M
Acta Crystallographica B38 (1982) 1431-1436
Structure des phases de type alpha - K Er2 F7
_cod_database_code 1008837
_database_code_amcsd 0016705
14.287 8.004 11.950 90 125.33 90 Cm
atom     x      y      z
Ho1  .4869 .24044      0
Ho2    .75      0  .6814
Ho3  .9926  .7623  .6819
Ho4  .4877  .2633  .3182
Ho5  .2315      0  .3239
K1   .2195      0  .6553
K2   .2532      0  .0131
K3   .2538     .5  .3507
K4   .2289     .5 -.0288
F1    .095   .239   .919
F2    .392   .270   .089
F3    .112   .232   .244
F4    .391     .5   .253
F5    .388      0   .936
F6    .374     .5   .613
F7    .151   .331   .501
F8    .377   .261   .774
F9    .099      0   .376
F10   .102     .5   .085
F11   .327   .165   .502
F12   .169   .327   .739
F13   .321   .169   .258
F14   .488      0   .254
F15   .499      0   .731
F16   .489   .321   .498
F17   .389     .5   .907
F18   .101      0   .753
F19   .101      0   .081
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