American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Sb2 Se2 Te
Andriamihaja A, Ibanez A, Jumas J, Olivier-Fourcade J, Philippot E
Revue de Chimie Minerale 22 (1985) 357-368
Evolution structurale de la solution solide Sb2 Te(3-x) Se(x) (O < X < 2)
dans le systeme Sb2 Te3 - Sb2 Se3
_cod_database_code 1008844
_database_code_amcsd 0016711
4.112 4.112 29.495 90 90 120 R3m
atom x y      z U(1,1) U(2,2) U(3,3) U(1,2) U(1,3) U(2,3)
Sb1  0 0    .39   .010   .010   .024   .005      0      0
Sb2  0 0  .5988   .009   .009   .024   .005      0      0
Te1  0 0  .2080   .008   .008   .029   .004      0      0
Se1  0 0  .7790   .004   .004   .017   .002      0      0
Se2  0 0 -.0049   .007   .007   .017   .003      0      0
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