Miraglia S, Soubeyroux J, Kolbeck C, Isnard O, Fruchart D, Guillot M
Journal of the Less-Common Metals 171 (1991) 51-61
Structural and magnetic properties of ternary nitrides R2 Fe17 Nx (R=Nd, Sm)
_cod_database_code 1008875
_database_code_amcsd 0016742
8.776 8.776 12.661 90 90 120 R-3m
atom x y z occ
Nd1 0 0 .3445
Fe1 0 0 .0952
Fe2 .5 0 .5
Fe3 .2808 0 0
Fe4 .5060 .494 .1529
N1 .5 0 0 .86
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