American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Ba2 Li3 O21 P7
El Horr N, Bagieu M, Guitel J, Tordjman I
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie 169 (1984) 73-82
Crystal data and crystal structure of barium-lithium polyphosphate Ba2Li3(PO3)7
_cod_database_code 1008944
_database_code_amcsd 0016808
18.01399 8.535 11.584 90 104.48 90 P2_1/a
atom      x      y      z
Ba1  .19763 .06603 .03603
Ba2  .31271 .05386 .47231
P1   .24685  .4382  .2449
P2   .36346  .1604  .8819
P3   .38374  .3995  .7060
P4   .50673  .3746  .1618
P5   .99209  .3658  .3333
P6   .11307  .3945  .7848
P7   .13803  .1460  .6184
O1    .1793  .0503  .7361
O2    .2492  .3497  .3559
O3    .2408  .3623  .1286
O4    .3227  .0589  .7660
O5    .4329  .0813  .9505
O6    .3934  .3061  .8213
O7    .3056  .2165  .9416
O8    .3880  .2950  .6063
O9    .3198  .5064  .6942
O10   .0397  .9983  .2614
O11   .0703  .2060  .1247
O12   .4643  .2681  .2327
O13   .4461  .4488  .0671
O14   .4669  .9815  .2539
O15   .4448  .1576  .4194
O16   .0768  .3703  .3760
O17   .0997  .2838  .6713
O18   .1115  .2992  .8901
O19   .3228 -.0006  .2171
O20   .1957  .2027  .5583
O21   .0711  .0564  .5483
Li1   .4613   .355   .514
Li2   .1560   .228   .365
Li3   .0445   .365  -.004
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