American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database

1 matching records for this search.

Lussier A J, Abdu Y, Hawthorne F C, Michaelis V K, Aguiar P M, Kroeker S
The Canadian Mineralogist 49 (2011) 63-88
Oscillatory zoned liddicoatite from Anjanabonoina, central Madigascar.
I. Crystal chemistry and structure by SREF and 11B and 27Al MAS NMR spectroscopy
Sample: L25, disordered model
Locality: Anjanabonoina, central Madagascar
_database_code_amcsd 0018445
15.8438 15.8438 7.1043 90 90 120 R3m
atom        x      y      z  occ   Uiso
CaX         0      0 .76157  .61  .0144
NaX         0      0 .76157 .322  .0144
PbX         0      0 .76157 .007  .0144
TiY    .06196 .93804 .36551 .002  .0098
AlY    .06196 .93804 .36551  .38  .0098
FeY    .06196 .93804 .36551  .04  .0098
MgY    .06196 .93804 .36551 .019  .0098
MnY    .06196 .93804 .36551  .02  .0098
LiY    .06196 .93804 .36551 .538  .0098
AlZ    .25973 .29684 .38806      .00601
SiT    .19018 .19211      0      .00480
B      .89103 .10897  .5447       .0065
F(1d)  .01128  .0226  .2119 .211  .0125
OH(1d) .01128  .0226  .2119 .112  .0125
O(2d)   .9308  .0509  .5194   .5  .0079
O(3)   .13475 .86525  .4900       .0098
O(4)   .90785 .09215  .9255       .0080
O(5)   .09202 .90798  .9040       .0079
O(6)   .18627 .19593 .22362       .0068
O(7)   .28533 .28590 .91835       .0062
O(8)   .27008 .20966 .55791       .0075
H(3)    .1316  .8684   .623        .015
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